Punky Pins Halloween Bundle

I couldn't be happier to say that the Halloween spirit is most definitely upon us all! I'm seeing pumpkins everywhere, bat garlands, fake spiderwebs and the horror movies are all over Netflix. I am loving this.

To top it all off, I was sent the cutest spooky box of surprises from Punky Pins*!

Sunday Catch Up: Artwork, Moving, Look After Myself.


I hope this weekend is going well for you all :) This is my favourite part of the week, because I get to sit back, organise my workload, take stock of how the week has gone, and pamper myself a bit. Though as a freelancer, I can work to any schedule I like; I do enjoy keeping Sundays as those days to chill out still.

This week I've been creating a lot of artwork, both simply for myself, for my Etsy shop and for custom work people have booked with me. It's been awesome overall, but my tablet did die on me this week and cause such a hassle, but that's all sorted now thankfully! My favourite creations have been the 'Girl Power' print shown above, and the cute heart garland shown below. I love anything girly as you can see!

Favourites In My Mailbox

Happy weekend guys! I hope you're enjoying it. It's super rainy here which means I'm extremely happy, and currently typing away while wrapped in a blanket listening to the rain hit the window. Perfect.

I've had some pretty special bits and bobs make their way to my mailbox recently, and I thought it would be fun to share with you guys since I haven't done a mailbox post in a few weeks! I also love hearing about fun things you guys have gotten in the mail, so do share in the comments! :)

One of the most unique things has been the Fashion Mash-Up book (shown above) from Penguin; which is a deluxe dress up book filled with styling tips, observations on fashion trends throughout history, and quirky illustrations. This beautiful book is so unique and a wonderful addition to my bookshelf. I especially love the pages of gorgeous stickers!

15 Inspiring Blog Posts Recently

For the past two weeks I've really made extra special time to delve into blogging. By that I don't mean writing my own posts (of course there's that too), but by reading lots of wonderful posts from others. I have gone through all my bookmarked blogs, and tried to keep up to date with all of my favourites (though this is extremely hard as there really is a lot!) and I've also tried to find new blogs through Twitter and Bloglovin too. Finding new blogs is especially awesome, as it keeps my feed fresh and makes sure I always have that real LOVE for blogs and blogging in general.

With this in mind, I tried to keep a note of all my favourite posts I've seen bobbing around this vast internet space recently, and report back to you guys. These are my 15 favourite blog posts which have inspired me lately, and I hope they inspire you too!

Perhaps you'll find a spark of motivation in one of these posts, perhaps one will make you giggle at your desk as you pretend to work, and perhaps you'll find your favourite new blogger of all time. I certainly hope so.


1. 'Things To Keep In Mind About Blogging'.

2. 'Doodles, Dogs & Messing Up'.

The Best Italian Food In Liverpool; Il Forno

I apologise now if this blog post makes you hungry, and I'd understand! I myself am staring at these photos with longing, wondering when to next make another trip to Il Forno, in the heart of Liverpool. You see I recently had my very first visit there, along with Gary, and it basically rocked our socks. Yep.

Il Forno can be found on Duke street in Liverpool, and I was recently invited to come down and try their lunch menu to see what I thought. Italian is my absolute favourite type of food, so I was more than happy to give it a try. So off along I popped, with Gary in tow, to pay them a visit.

Desk Tour

Hi guys!

It's only been two or three days since my last blog post, but I feel like I've been absent for ages! Life last week seemed to just pile up on me, and blogging was put on hold for a few days; meaning my usual post-every-single-day-sort-of-schedule, got kind of messed up.

But anyway, you may have seen from my Snapchat or Instagram (which always stay active by the way!) that I recently redid my whole workspace and bought a new desk. I'm so happy with how it turned out, that I thought I'd share some snaps of it with you guys today.

15 Things That Happen When You Get Engaged

There's no denying that someone proposing to you, like, actually getting down on one knee and asking you to spend the rest of your life with them; is a huge deal. It's life changing (if you say yes..) and a story you'll probably tell over and over again. 

But what about afterwards? After the putting on the ring and saying yes bit? After the promise to stick it out until you're old and wrinkly? What then?

Here are fifteen things that happen after that moment (well, here's fifteen things that have happened to me)...

1. You immediately have to tell EVERYONE. I don't just mean your mum and BFF, I mean every single person you possibly can. You want that news out there, in Twitterland, on Facebook, with Insta photos. Who knows why? Maybe just because you always found it annoying when an engagement popped up on your Facebook feed, so now you want your own revenge? Maybe just to avoid phoning everyone in your family, or having friends say 'Why didn't you tell me?!' as soon as they find out. Either way, you better believe the whole world is finding out, with pictures.

Have we called the local paper yet? Surely they'll want to know!

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