Four Things I Do To Feel Inspired

1. Make a mood board. Whether with paper, magazines, glitter & photos, or even just on Pinterest; I always come out feeling so much more inspired by creating a visual collection of things I like. Don't think too hard about it, just collect and put things together which appeal to you visually. Include quotes, reminders of happy moments or snail mail. If you can display this over your desk or somewhere you'll see it often, it will bring you a pinch of inspiration in a flash.

2. Look back. Sometimes looking back over my archive of work, and reflecting at what I've already achieved can really help to give me current ideas. Look over things you forgot you wrote about, did you fully explore that topic? Could it be extended in any way or possibly redone differently? Has an old project inspired other work you haven't talked about or shown yet? I find looking over the past helps me evaluate where I am and what I'm still yet to conquer.

3. Do what you love. Forget the stress for the time being, and go do something you love. Read, workout, sew, hang out with friends, watch a movie.. whatever. Taking your mind away from the problem and filling your thoughts with happy things is good for it. Think of it like 'cleansing' your brain. It keeps it refreshed and will help when you go back to the drawing board. If like me you blog about what you love, doing these things will probably make you think of an idea related to them anyway!

4. Think ahead. Say for example I'm at a loss for what things I can blog about in the next week or two. I take the pressure off by forgetting about the next two weeks completely. I think about next month, or even the month after. Are there any seasonal projects I would like to do, or upcoming events/issues I want to write about? Plan those instead. It might seem counter-intuitive but I can't even go into how many times this has helped me. By taking the pressure off the now, and instead looking forward, I begin to feel productive again and it actually helps me with ideas for the present anyway! Also, this sort of planning ahead means less chance of it happening again next month..

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  1. I love Pinterest! It's got so much inspiration on there I love it xx
    Love Victoriajanex

  2. These are great tips! I also like to look back at what I have previously written, usually when I do a new idea pops up! Oh and I also like to take a break from blogging in general if I am ever stumped...getting away from the computer screen and doing some other hobbies really help me get inspired! :)


  3. These are all great tips, so helpful for inspiration in general too. It's important to just do what you love especially x
    eleanor's adventures // UK Fashion & Beauty Blog

  4. Indeed--walking away from the project at hand and focusing on doing something else you enjoy doing is so handy! It is often when I'm walking my puppy, Penny, that I come up with some great writing ideas.


  5. Great post Jemma :) Love a bit of Pinterest for inspiration too xx

    Brenda BusyBee

  6. I do the same on Pinterest! x

  7. Love this! Great post, I always find that not restricting myself to certain topics and writing about whatever I want really lets the creative juices flow.

    Sheri | Behind The Frames

  8. These tips are really helpful! I feel more inspired already :D thanks Jemma :D

  9. Making a mood board is such a good idea! I'll have to do one!

  10. I love making mood boards and definitely love browsing on pinterest.

  11. Really enjoyed this post, thinking about starting a mood board now!


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