Life Currently


Hey pretty dolls!
Thanks for popping by to see my Dorky ramblings.
Truth is, it's past midnight and I'm writing this post in preparation for tomorrow, eep! I don't usually leave it until so late (okay only sometimes!) but there we go.

I kind of wanted to do a post about my life at the moment; what I've been up to and how it's going. Now I'm sure some of you already know I can ramble at the best of times, and a post like that would only encourage pages and pages of blahh. So I've broken it up as follows, with a (sort of!) short and sweet Q&A! If anyone is even interested enough to keep reading, I'm already astounded..

* * *

Anything new?
I finally got a job! You have no idea how miserable I was job hunting, so this is brilliant. Plus it takes the money stress away, obviously. I also re-signed up to Postcrossing - I haven't been involved in so long but I'm keen to send and receive gorgeous little postcards in the mail again!

What have you done this week?
Well I had my interview, which obviously went well. Played lots of Sims 4. Gary and I had a lovely shopping day & picked up lots of treats, then went to see 'Before I Go To Sleep'. It was really good! But I still think the book is best. Now Gary is at work again on nights and I'm catching up with blogging :)

Looking forward to?
Visiting Gary's family in Plymouth in a few weeks. Halloween! Oh yes yes Halloween! Autumn is general and.. maybe even Christmas. I'm not usually big on Christmas, but I'm gonna try get in the spirit this year.

Company issuing it's very last printed magazine. It was my favourite, so that's lame. Also I'm disappointed I haven't done anything in my Art Journal for a few weeks, but I'm trying not to force it. It'll be posted again soon guys!

Let me know what you've been up to lately? ^_^

post signature

*Image was taken from Tumblr.


  1. Replies
    1. It was the best magazine! The only other one I buy now is Frankie, and sometimes (only rare though) Cosmo. :(

  2. I'm excited to see what you draw in your journal!
    - F -

    1. Aww thank you Frances! I'll be back into it very soon, I just needed a little break! :) x

  3. great post. I do love some Life Lately posts, it kinda gives a more one-to-one feel with readers - which I really enjoy. I'm still contemplating on whether to get SIMS 4 or stick with my SIMS 3 (i have all the expansion packs) I heard you can enlarge bums now haha!
    Congratulations on your new job, I know how u feel, my daughter's 1 years old now and I really wanna get back into work.
    Hope you could check out my blog too hun, I'm just starting out so it may be a bit bleh at the moment haha, I would love any feedback for improvements if that's ok :)

    Shanna |

    1. Of course I will! ^__^
      I love these kind of posts too to be honest! Hehe. I just like feeling like Im having a little chat with my readers! Thank you, Im so excited to start working again! I know how you must feel, work helps you feel more active and social and really helps.
      Sims 4 is great! But yeah, no expansions yet. Ive still got my sims 3 all installed just in case I wana play that still too! hehe.
      Thank you so much for reading! xx

  4. Oh that's great! Congrats on your new job! and Same here with the whole art journal thing. I have to pick up my game!

    1. Thanks! Yeah sometimes its best to wait for inspiration :) x

  5. Congratulations on your job! I hope that you love it. I agree it is a shame that Company is no longer in print, but I Cosmo is my favourite so I'm happy thats still around!

    Suitcase and Sandals Blog xx

  6. Congrats on the new job!! Job hunting is so stressful so I'm glad you don't have to deal with that anymore. :) How is Sims 4? I want to buy it but it is sooo pricey, I just can't afford it right now. I'll be getting it when it goes down in price :D


    1. Sims 4 is brilliant! It will be better when they have expansions with lots of fun things extra added on, but its FAB! Aww thank you lovely! xx

  7. I love these kinds of little posts, it's nice and personal and I always feel so happy for the writer when they're happy :) So in this case, I'm SUPER happy/chuffed/delighted for you doll! You're gonna do brilliantly at your new job <3

    Claire xo

    1. Aww shucks doll you made me blush! ^_^ Haha! I adores you! <3 x

  8. Congratz on your new job :) I know how stressful it can get to do job hunting. I have experienced it before, but since I'm still a college student, it wasn't so much of a pressure. I was dying though to get my own working experience plus the little money I'll get for my personal things. Plus, interviews always scare me lol


    1. I'm glad you don't have the pressure yet! Maybe keep practising while there's no pressure? Remember the people taking interviews are often nervous too! :) xx

  9. I'm currently looking for a job and can completely relate to how miserable it can make you feel. So glad for you that you found one! Congrats!


    1. Aww thanks doll! I'm glad someone understands and can relate, but also I don't wish that on you! I'm one thousand percent wishing you good luck! Try not to let it get you down Lovely.
      Also, is Lore your real name? Because that's BEAUTIFUL! <3
      Thank you for popping by! xxx

  10. Congrats on the job!! We can celebrate together!! :D did you enjoy Before I Sleep? I might have to go see it! Also I'm really gutted about Company too, I loved the magazines design/paper as well as everything else!

    Lovely post sweet! :)

    Hazel Jane xx

    1. I know right?! Yay for us!! Haha :D
      I did enjoy it, definitely worth a watch, such an interesting story! But I loved the book more. It's hard to tell if that's just me though, as I almost always love the books more haha.
      Thanks for popping by Hazel! ♥♥

  11. Woohoo! Congrats on your new job! I'm the same about Company - it's heartbreaking that I won't be able to pick on off the shelf and rummage through the matte pages!


  12. Congratulations on the new job! I've been playing a lot of Sims 4 recently too... Its too addictive! Postcrossing sounds lovely! I just went over and had a look and it sounds like a great idea. I have this thing where I adore post cards so this sounds perfect.... May have to sign up myself!

    Great post, and thank you for sharing!

    Sarah x

  13. Congrats on the new job :) Postcrossing sounds interesting - never heard of it! Will have to look into that one :) xx

    Brenda |

    1. Ohh I recommend it to anyone its SO lovely!! xx


Thank you so much for reading! I'd love to know what you thought :)

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