When Your Best Friend Is Gay..

*My version of this story

When your best friend is gay, you know it before her. 

You openly joke about it and it becomes 'a thing' you both laugh about. Silly things, become a long running joke. Everyone's in on it. It takes a while but it starts to sink in, in your mind. And you realise you believe what you've been joking about for the longest time. You wouldn't be surprised if she told you she was gay. 

So the jokes become a little bit less, just in case. You worry in case you end up offending her if it were ever true, (I shouldn't have worried, the jokes are even more now!). A long time passes and nothing is ever said. And you worry in case you're not the kind of person she can talk to. Or maybe, just maybe you were wrong?

She's very close to a certain girl, she's moved away by this point and you're both a little distant. Maybe she's just made a new friend. Maybe you're both just losing touch now.

Probably not. The distance means you can't see each other much, but it hasn't stopped the calls, or messages even just every now and again. You both still laugh as hard as ever and do stupid shit as soon as you spend time together. It doesn't feel as if you've grown apart at all. When you need her, she's still there. When you call her up crying, and you're having the worst year of your life; she's there. When someone breaks your heart and leaves you weak, and ruined for the most part; she's there. When you find out your Dad has suddenly died out of nowhere, you call her. You lie on the floor in pieces and pray for the world to close in on you. But still, you call her. Hundreds of miles away, and she still makes you feel as if she's next to you. The world is black, but she's in the dark with you.

And one night drunkenly, she seems like something is bothering her. She's not the type to get emotional after a drink so you know it's not that. And then she says she wants to tell you something, and you realise this is it. This is the moment you wondered if she'd ever share with you. And you know exactly what she's going to say, but you can't rush her or push it at all...

And then you know. She's finally admitted it after years of you wondering/knowing/guessing, and the stupid sod thinks you'll judge her, be different or feel weird around her. It's almost laughable.

So time goes by, and she becomes more open with you over time. The jokes never stop, in fact they're probably worse than ever. But you both laugh just as hard and it's such a relief to be so honest with each other. You are now lucky enough to be included in this part of her life, which she could have well kept private. You are lucky enough to meet her girlfriend, and have the pleasure of seeing them happy together. You are even lucky enough to be one of the first to hear they are engaged, and you couldn't be more excited!

Ultimately though, when your best friend is gay...

Nothing changes.
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  1. This is such an honest and lovely post. Sounds like your friendship can last through anything x

    Beauty with charm

  2. Such a beautifully written post. I really do love the way you write

    Pam @ pamsstuffandthings.blogspot.com

  3. Love this heart felt and warming piece, you have such a great writing style. Thanks for sharing. Adele acesparklestar.blogspot.co.uk

    1. Aww thank you so much for thinking so Adele <3

  4. I've been in this situation too. My high school best friend is gay and I knew it always even she didn't tell me anything. Then she started to date this other girl and I always remember when she came to me and told that she likes girls and hopes I don't judge her. I was like "whaaat, I already know all this and I won't judge you" :DD Nothing schanged between us :D

    1. It's a journey to go though definitely, because it's an important issue. But as long as you're close friends, it never makes any difference, apart from maybe even making you closer! :) x

  5. Such an emotionally honest yet positive, heart warming post. Beautifully written Jemma. Sounds like you have a true and amazing friendship which many people can only hope for :) xx

    Brenda BusyBee

    1. I really do, and feel very blessed. Thanks so much for reading Brenda! <3 xxx

  6. Very true! I don't think it makes any difference! Great post x


  7. This is such a beautiful post. It's lovely to hear your friendship is still just as strong. :) Thank you for sharing this.

    Sarah x

    1. Thank you for reading, it means so much! xx

  8. This is an amazing post. So powerful, so full of love for your friend the ending is just wonderful. I'm bisexual and haven't told a soul! She's so lucky to have you and you're so lucky to have her xx

    1. Aww Hannah I'm so happy you read it and liked it, THANK YOU! <3 And as for sharing that information, wow, I fee honored and blessed! I hope you can find the right environment, trust or time needed to share that part of you with the people you love (if you want to) one day. I feel very lucky my friend shared that part of herself with me, and you are 100% right - I am very lucky to have her. She's amazing. xx

  9. Lovely post. I had the same situation, my best friend totally knew but never said anything, must be a best friend thing :)

    Lyndsay | Fizzy Peaches

  10. That was beautiful! I may have got a bit tearful, seeing as I went through something somewhat similar myself.


  11. Fantastic post! Thank you for shedding light on such a present topic. I think this is the elephant in the room kind of question many people wonder about are afraid to ask. Love the writing style in this. Especially vyour phrasing about the world being dark but she is in the dark with you, such a good description!

  12. This is such a lovely post (: xx

  13. This post couldn't be more perfect! :)

    Style Sunrise☀


  14. Very touching post! She's lucky to have a friend like you :D


  15. Love this post and she is such a lucky girl to have you as her friend.

    Caz xxx


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