DIY: Cute Nails Made Easy

We all like to jazz up our nails every now and again don't we? No? Okay this post isn't for you sorry!
Personally I change my nails every few days and I never have them bare. I'm impatient mind, so they're never in pristine condition. I tend to just slap some polish on and go, and half the time I smudge it before it's even dry.

So this means although I have a Pinterest board full of gorgeous nail DIY's, I'm usually too clumsy or impatient to be able to do any of them. So I made my own! 

This little DIY is so easy, even I can do it!

Lovely! Easy peasy right? I challenge you to mess this up.
The only tip I will offer is be patient and make sure your nails are 100% dry before putting on or removing the tape. Or it will smudge and ruin your work within seconds.

What do you think lovelies? I personally love the white/pastel coloured attempts I did. But I wanted to show how you could do it with darker colours and look more 'polished' than playful if that's your thing.

Let me know what you think :) !

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  1. Love the pastel colours, like you I am always changing my nail colour and can't sit still long enough for them to dry but I might give this a go :)

    Pam @

    1. Same haha! I was ok with this though, but Im generally not very patient :) x

  2. This is amazing and looks so easy!! I am no good when it comes to nail set so definitely going to try this! I love th red and black combo :)


  3. Definitely going to be trying this out! Yours look amazing :D

  4. I've had some luck with this technique in the past, my problem with it is that it takes longer to fully finish the mani with all the extra steps! I'm lazy! xD

    Jenn from

  5. I wish I could have the patience to do nail art but I am so lazy when it comes to my nails, just putting on a base coat is effort haha! This is a really cute design though x

    Beauty with charm

  6. They look great. Love playing with nail designs which are simple enough for me to do with my not so steady hand.
    Beth x
    Mermaid in Disguise

  7. I love this tutorial! Im terrible with my nail polish, and like yourself I change my nails often and don't have a huge amount of patience! BUT this looks really easy so im going to try it!! :)

  8. Lol I adore your funny little annotations.

  9. This looks so cute and original. Will have to try it out because I'm bad at doing these kind of things. Love this post.


  10. This is such a cute idea and so fool proof! I love it xo


Thank you so much for reading! I'd love to know what you thought :)

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