My Travel Bucket List

holiday travel bucket list destinations
I'm not the best traveler if truth be told; I prefer perfect hotel sheets and hot showers, to camping or being spontaneous. It's not that I don't want to be adventurous, I really do. My hair straighteners and me have a very nice relationship though, and I'd hate to mess that up.

However, there are 5 destinations I would absolutely love to visit in any way possible, even if it meant relying less on electronics and air conditioner. But I hope my hair straighteners and I get to go together someday...

1. Japan.
This is every Kawaii girls dream, right? Can you even imagine how mental I would go in the Hello Kitty themed shops?! My Instagram would love me for it. Plus Tokyo Disney, Mount Fuji, Tokyo National Museum... I need to go!

2. Seattle
I don't know why, but Seattle has always been top of mylist for places I'd like to visit in America, and just in the world really. It seems like the perfect blend of US culture, kind of similar to British weather sometimes (I like rain so that's okay) and still vastly different. Also I mean this is where grunge basically came alive, so duhh.

3. Venice
Oh Italy, if I could visit every single city I would be so happy. However, I'll settle for Venice. Gondola's across the Grand Canal, St Mark's Basilica and yummy Italian food? Where's my passport?...

4. Bali
Just google photographs from Bali, seriously. Have you done it? Yes? Okay so do I really need to explain this one?..

5. Iceland
Last but definitely not least, Iceland has been on my wishlist for a long, long time now. It just seems so peaceful and soothing; I imagine it'd be wonderful to visit. I dream of seeing the Northern Lights, soaking in The Blue Lagoon and whale watching.

Where would you like to visit most?

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  1. There are so many places I want to visit too! Bali being one of them - it looks so beautiful : ) I would also love to visit Paris, Barcelona, Hawaii, New York and California! xx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x

    1. Would be lovely to go to New York, California and Paris :)
      Clem xx

  2. I would love to go to Japan, Seattle and Venice :) I want to go in the Hello Kitty themed shops :)
    Clem xx

  3. Oh Japan would be so cool - seeing everyone freak about Hello Kitty and the like!! Although I keep thinking the language would be a bit of a barrier for me!

  4. Definitely would love to travel to all those places too but San Francisco is a top hit for me in America since it's basically one of the best 'creative' cities in the country!
    Lauren // OhHay Blogs!

  5. I'd love to go to more Greek islands (I've been to 3...I think). I would also love to go to New Zealand, Iceland like you said, and probably a couple of American states? Or just a road trip to some of America!

    There are so many other places I want to go to as well, I'd be here all day!

    A Little Twist Of…

  6. What a fab bucket list Jemma. I'd also love to visit Venice and Iceland. I love travelling, but like you, I'm no camper! On my wishlist is the Maldives which I've ALWAYS wanted to visit and will be jetting off to next year, an American road trip - standard. I'd also love to visit the Vatican City, Berlin, Copenhagen... Ahh, just book me a flight pronto!!! x

    Kirsty - Effortlessly Excessive

  7. Hi Jemma,
    What a great wish list.
    The next place I'd like to visit has definitely got to be Austealia my best friend lives out there and I've been wanting to visit her for the past 8 years. Another place that I really like the look off is Cannes it looks so pretty there really beautiful .

  8. I've been lucky enough to visit Iceland a couple of times but it really is the most beautiful place - I'd go back every year if I could!

  9. Great list. All of them are on my list too. But then again my list is incredibly huge. I dream too much :P. But Venice and Iceland are on top of my list. Maldives is a beautiful place. It feels like a paradise on earth. As an Indian I would say India is beautiful too.

  10. Japan used to be on my list, but now I'm actually going!! So happy. Iceland is on mine as well, and New Zealand.

  11. I just want to travel the world i really hope i can someday! :)

  12. Great travel list.
    I have been to Venice and it is absolutely amazing.
    I love everything from the architecture to the rides on the Gondola boat, to the variety of ice cream available.


  13. Great post!
    I'm not the best traveller, but I'd love to go to California!
    And LA!
    I'd also love to visit New York!

    Claire xxx

  14. Reading this was exciting, because I'm going to Seattle soon (free trip!). Hopefully you get to go to these places and have a great time :)

  15. I'm from Indonesia and instead of Bali, may I suggest Belitung? Bali is crowded nowadays and there are lots of trash on the beaches. If you want more quiet and peaceful place to relax, Belitung has beautiful beaches ;)

    Dara | Hola Darla | @DarlaOct

  16. I'd love to go to Seattle - it's definitely on my bucket list!!

    John ¦ Shout John

  17. I've only ever been on family holidays to spain so would love to go to New York, Venice and barcelona for starters. These all sound fantastic too though

  18. I would give everything to visit Tokyo! Such a cool place. Hope one day my life brings me there haha :D

  19. Great post! I love posts like these and I did one myself recently! Oh you just had to mention googling photos of Bali, now I want to go there! x


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