Book Review: The Calling by Neil Cross

If you're an avid bookworm like myself, you might appreciate the odd book review here and there speckled between the beauty reviews, DIY's, lifestyle posts and such. If not, then maybe this isn't the post for you. I love nothing more than buying a brand new book, being so excited you start it on the the way home, and being kept awake until the wee hours because you can't put it down.

My latest experience of this is with Neil Cross' book 'The Calling'. This is a John Luther novel, and it's what the television series 'Luther' featuring Idris Elba was based on. But one thing I want to say straight away; you don't need to have seen the TV show to follow this novel, but I seriously recommend you do! It's a fantastic, addictive gem of a TV show, and it made me fall in love with Idris Elba.

But anyway, this book is one for you Crime Fiction lovers out there! It's a gritty, dark and compelling read following DCI John Luther on one of the most gruesome cases he's faced yet. He's an intense character, almost always on the side of good, but understanding of when he needs to cross the line to help the vulnerable. And cross it he does.

It's so hard to explain what makes Luther such a fascinating character to follow. He is a man of few words and many thoughts. Dark and moody, but a kindness within him that shines through the pages on his quest for justice. I challenge you to not like him.

In all honesty I loved Cross's writing style, descriptions are kept short but concise. He's to the point while still capturing the sense of place and characters in a fascinating way that keeps you interested. I loved that he wrote from the antagonist's point of view too, giving us insight into this dark character without ruining the ghoulish mood throughout the book.
I don't want to spoil too much from the story, but I will say it kept me hooked from the moment I began. I read this in two days, and while I'm a quick reader anyway this one was certainly because of late nights unable to put it down. I seen 5am at one point...
Go, read this immediately. It's thrilling, your heart aches for Luther and beats faster for the chase. You'll love it.
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  1. I never read crime but I've been reading so many book reviews on them lately I think I might have to give one a go. This Luther chap sounds quite interesting so I may have to give it a go! xx

    Aisling |

    1. I love Crime more than anything haha! :) If you try it, let me know what you think :) I love Luther's character, he is like a dark, sombre, gentle giant haha. xx


Thank you so much for reading! I'd love to know what you thought :)

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