Better Blogging In 6 Steps

So back in March I started Dorkface. An idea that had been swirling around my head for a while, and felt like a place I could call home. Six months is a very short time, but I feel like I've learned a few things in this experience to share with you. Six tips from six months blogging!
Maybe you can relate, or maybe you're just starting a blog of your own? I am by no means an expert, obviously! There is so much I need to do myself to improve, but I'm simply sharing some tips which I've found to have helped me so far.

1. The biggest blessing is other bloggers 
I didn't realise blogging would have such a huge social aspect to it when I first began. For a start, you can get involved on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, follow other bloggers, take part in the scheduled chats and even attend blogger meet ups. I'm yet to do a meet up yet, but so keen! Other bloggers keep you sane when nobody else understands what you're doing. They help you with tips, tricks and general blogging inquiries. You find people who love the things you do and are so friendly! This is the best part about blogging for me personally.

2. You need to think about your skills 
If you want an audience that will appreciate your posts and visit again, then you may want to think about improving one or two skills. For me, I'm writing all the time whether it's for a post or not, because I want to improve as much as possible. For this same reason it's important to read as much as possible. Take in what other bloggers are doing, and how they do it well. You may want to practise your photography skills if your blog is photo heavy too. And I always recommend getting a good layout that suits your blog. Always look to improve where you can.

3. Be passionate 
Why do it if you aren't wholeheartedly excited by it? At the end of the day you should be doing this for nobody but yourself, and you've gotta love it. Write if you love to write, take photographs everyday if want to, create recipes to share with your readers, whatever. However you choose to express yourself, put your heart into it and remember why you started. A half arsed post that you've forced yourself to write last minute will be obvious to anyone who reads it anyway.

4. Honesty really is the best policy 
Always be true to yourself, even if you feel like the 'odd one out'. If you're reviewing a product, be honest with what you think about it. Don't feel pressure even if it's been gifted to you by a company, to lie. Or even if every other blogger out there is loving it. You don't? Say so! I mean, maybe don't be rude. But explain yourself, and you'll be appreciated for your honesty.

5. Lose certain expectations 
I can't count the amount of times I've visited amazing blogs and felt so intimidated by their successes and achievements, and left myself feeling bad. It's the worst thing you can do. Do not compare yourself to others! You are totally different people, on different paths. Especially if like me you've only been blogging a few months and you compare yourself to someone who has been at it for years. Don't expect magic to happen, you have to put in the time and effort. Don't do it for the numbers, do it for yourself, and the rest will follow.

6. Stay inspired 
There's nothing worse than bloggers block eh? You want to post, but have no idea where to start. It's annoying to say the least. I've found that the things that give me ideas and inspire me most are listening to music, taking a break from the computer altogether, visiting other blogs, going over your own archive and deciding what's missing, or what you'd like to cover again. For example maybe you're a beauty blogger & you could try out a whole new makeup look? Decide what makes you happy and creating posts based around that. Sometimes inspiration will hit you, other times you have to run at it and grab it by the horns!

Good luck! x

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  1. Some great tips there. I love reading the tips from other bloggers so thanks for posting this one.

    Like you the best thing about blogging is all the other bloggers out there and knowing that there is a community of people who are like you :)

    Pam @

    1. You're welcome Pam! I'm just grateful for you visiting & so happy anything could help. I definitely count myself as a beginner blogger, but I've learned so much in my first 6 months I felt I could share :) Thanks again! xx

  2. I love this post! A joy to read as always
    Rebelle xxx

  3. Great post :) I think these points are all very important to keep in mind and remember when you are going through your blogging journey xx

    Brenda |

    1. Definitely, and it is a constant learning journey! Thank you so much for even reading this, let alone commenting Brenda <3 xx

  4. They are some great tips. It's a constant learning journey I think blogging, everyday there seems to be something new that I learn but I love the challenges it brings and the different ways of thinking or seeing things. Definitely glad I found your blog missus.

    Rhiannon x
    The Sparkly Panda

    1. So true, we're gona be learning as we go!

      Thank you, that has made my day! <3

  5. I love your tips and how you emphasize the importance of passion and improvement ;)
    Good luck with your blog! xo

    1. Passion is at the heart of blogging! :) xx

  6. Great tips! I find that when I'm more passionate about my blog – writing more, posting more, even just thinking about it more – I look at things with fresh eyes and can come up with more original, fun posts. I second that thing about losing expectations. My blog now, isn't necessarily what I envisioned it to be starting out which is not a bad thing!

    Tiffany |

    1. Development is natural and good! Embrace it ^__^ Thank you for reading! xx

  7. Amazing advice I'm going to take so many of these tips on board, especially the one about not getting intimidated about other blogs out there (which can be so easily done) x

    Beauty with charm

    1. First thing I thought when I seen this comment was, 'Wow Alina, What a pretty name!' - haha.

      Aww thanks so much for taking the time to read, and Im glad these might help a little! Dont be intimidated, you're creating your own little world - thats awesome! xx :)

  8. Jemma, this post is amazing and so full of TRUTH! Being passionate about what you blog about is super important... you always want to write about what you love! I also agree that comparing yourself with others is a bad, bad idea! Nothing good will come from it! Great post :)


    1. Ahh! Stop being so sweet! <333 Thank you for reading Jess!

      But yeah, write about what you love. I mean, that's the fun part anyway right?! :D


  9. Great post! Can't agree more with what you said. Especially about comparing yourselves! The community is definitely my fave part of it too, I love the interaction with my readers and other bloggers :)
    Lovely blog you have!

    Sheri | Behind The Frames

    1. Making blogger friends is the very best part <3

  10. This was really helpful, thankyou x

  11. These tips are soo useful, thanks!

    Stepph - Nourish ME

    1. No problem! Glad you enoyed, thank you for visiting! ^_^ xx

  12. Some great advice! I've just started out so will bear this in mind.
    Vix x

    1. Im by no means an expert at all haha! Only sharing my opinion on what's worked for me :) Thanks for reading doll! xx Good luck! xx

  13. I love your tips and tricks :) I am a beginner myself when it comes to blogging that's why I always look for advice from other experienced blogger and try to communicate with other bloggers. You're completely right, don't blog for the wrong reasons. we should blog for ourselves, to be more confident, and to relieve stress.


  14. This post is spot on, Jemma! I'm a newbie blogger myself and I find that the blogging community offers so much support. I sometimes hear rather negative stories about some Youtubers that when they gain some amount of success, they stop replying to their subbies, but so far in the blogging world, you really get replied to when you ask pertinent questions. It led me to believe that bloggers are nicer people in general. :)

    ~ Kissel

  15. Great post! You're so right, it's so easy to compare yourself to others and start dissecting what you are/aren't doing when there's actually nothing wrong with being different!

    Kerry @

  16. Love this coz I found myself going "hmm true" to "OMG yeah I totally agree!"

  17. Great post! Some awesome tips - I agree wholly that other bloggers make blogging sooo much more enjoyable!

  18. Great tips here! Especially the don't compare yourself to other bloggers one. I have found myself doing this way too much, and it's very counterproductive and just makes you feel bad about your own blog. I also used to post very irregularly and not promote my content at all, I think putting yourself out there is also very important. At least I've noticed great improvements since I finally got over the embarrasment of self promotion :)


  19. Perf tips! - would love it of you could check out my latest post xo

    Aliona |

  20. this is such a wonderful post, the tips are spot on. I think the comparing ti relates to me the most as I compare myself against everyone and I know I really shouldn't cause it leaves me feeling rubbish about myself.
    this is a great post again hehe

    Jorden xx

  21. Great post lovely ! The sense of community really is great ! Even if they do talk you into not washing your hair for 5 days ! Lol xxxx

  22. Great post Jemma. I definitely have learned a few things and will be able to use these tips In the future. Thanks so much for posting this, have a great day!
    Megan x

  23. These are amazing tips so thanks for sharing :D love your blog, new follow from me :D

  24. Absolutely love this post! Great advice xx

  25. Great advice! I love these kinds of posts! :)

  26. Really useful tips, thank you :) I agree about talking to other bloggers being the best bit! Emma xx

  27. Really Great tips Jemma! I totally agree that being passionate is such a key and not comparing yourself to others as this in many cases just makes it worst! Xxx

    Anisha ♥ All You Need Is Red Lipstick


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