Monthly & Yearly Blog Goals

As someone who loves a good to-do list, and feels rather excited by crossing things off these said to-do lists; I couldn't let the opportunity pass to share one of my recent favourites with you guys. At the start of the year (January 1st, to be exact!), I decided to make some blogging goals for the entire year, in the hopes it would keep me organised and focused. I also decided to make extra goals each month as time goes on, so that I can keep things fresh in my mind and motivate me for small tasks.

So since we're almost halfway through the year, I'd like to share some of my thoughts so far for monthly and yearly blogging goals...

(Bold are the ones I've done already)

Goals for 2015:
- Host a Twitter chat (confirmed, soon!)
- Open an Etsy shop
- Reach 1000 Bloglovin followers
- Finally get the hang of affiliate links (and use them)
- Reach 3000 Twitter Followers
- Publish 400 posts
- Reach 2000 Bloglovin followers
- Attend a blogger meet up (two so far!)
- Reach 100,000 views
- Reach 5000 Twitter followers
- Turn the spare room into an actual office for blogging/work
- Push my DA up to 30
- Work with more brands
- Design new business cards

Monthly Goals:
- Take part in at least one Twitter chat each week
- Publish at least three posts each week
- Add to my art journal
- Fill up my advertising slots

It feels fantastic to see the things I've achieved so far, whether big or small. Seeing the things I've yet to do doesn't leave me disheartened either; I'm motivated to keep going! I have so many ambitions inside and outside of blogging, and knowing I'm on the right track really helps to keep me focused.

Do you guys set yourselves monthly or yearly goals?
Let me know how you're doing so far!

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Keep up to date with my latest posts by following me! :)
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  1. Super proud of how well you are doing! This is amazing! Im doing a post next month on how I'm doing with my resolutions x -lauz

  2. Congrats on reaching some of your goals! Just last night I sat down and wrote my own set of goals for blogging! Keep us updated about your hosted Twitter chat

  3. You're doing so well : ) exciting times! Looking forward to your twitter chat too.. My goals this year are to reach 1000 bloglovin' followers. I'm just 75 away now haha! Let's hope I get there by December 31st. xx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x

  4. I set myself so many, then cry when I don’t reach them haha. I do want to reach 3000 BL followers by the end of the year though, and complete my 30 before 30 list. It’s great to set yourself goals to keep you on track

    Hayley @ Tea Party Beauty

  5. I personally don't really set goals but its something I really want to start doing to help keep me on track. It must be so motivating knowing you have already achieved some of your goals! :)

    Sarah / Sarah Smiles

  6. I try to get this sort of thing in my life but I always get so depressed if I don't keep the schedule I get stuck in my head lol.
    Looking forward to joining a Twitter Chat hosted by you! :D
    xx Kitten 💗 The Howling WolfHeart

  7. I love setting my self little goals. And I took part in my first twitter chat last week, got a bit lost and found it hard to keep up, but will be doing it again this week

  8. I love the idea of having goals like this. It's definitely something I'm going to invest in doing in the future!! Congratulations on achieving so many of your goals already!! :)

    Rachael xx

  9. It's so important to set goals, so good for motivation. Good luck! X

  10. Good luck with your goals!
    The only blogging goals I have are to consistently upload quality posts, and to stay active within the community.
    Rubi | Instagram | The Den |

  11. I love how you've wrote your goals down, I've also done this and I find it so helpful and motivating! Xx

  12. I just found your blog via Twitter. I really like what you are doing here so I added you to my bloglovin'. Looking forward to seeing your posts in the future.

    My blog goals are to create better content. I am shy about writing about myself so I need to bump up the personal posts.

    Jeanine Marie

  13. Love writing to-do lists, especially when they are positive blog goals! I think I might have to do this too. Lets see how many I can tick off!
    x x | daisydaisyxxo

  14. You've already done half of your yearly goals and we're only in May! Congrats on what you've done until now and good luck on what's left! xx

  15. You've done so well with your goals! Good luck with the rest of them ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  16. Woo these are so exciting! Such fabulous goals. I do consider my goals but I should really document them as well as they are awesome to reflect on x

    Jasmin Charlotte

  17. I'm sure it won't be long before you hit your followers goals, you're funny, interesting, creative and inspiration so it shouldn't take long. - Tasha

  18. That is so amazing that you've already accomplished so much, keep up the good work :)

    Sarah x

  19. Great goals =]

  20. Nothing in the world is better than crossing things off a to-do list!!! Excellent goals, I hope you get to tick them all off by the end of the year :)

    Megan ||

  21. I love this! So positive and has inspired me to do the same. I've never attended a bloggers meet up but i'd like too! I think I would be super nervous/anxious about doing it but I'd like to. Hope you get to tick off your goals! xx

    Sophie Elizabeth

  22. I'm always setting goals then promptly forgetting about said goals until I see a post like this, then I remember my list, have a look and realise how much I haven't done - and this is a habit I am finding so hard to kick! It's such an amazing feeling to be able to tick something off a list! I really want to re-do my blogging goals and set up a 30 before I'm 30 list too!

    Sarah :)
    Saloca in Wonderland

  23. Its great to see you achieving so many of your goals. I find having "to do" lists keeps me all the more motivated to keep doing what I'm doing. Keep at it and I'm sure you'll have heaps more of these ticked off in no time :)

    Sammeh x
    Odds and Sodz Blog

  24. I do enjoy having goals! I only set myself one blog related goal for this year, to reach 1,000 bloglovin followers. Even though, I don't really care for the numbers, I do enjoy reaching the milestones.
    The rest of my goals for the year, revolve mainly around food :)

  25. What are you going to sell on ETSY? :) I've been running my shop there for more than 2 years now, so if you have any questions, feel free to tweet me!

    Kotryna Bass Blog

  26. Ooooo I love that diary it's so cute! Your list of goals is wonderful, I really hope that you accomplish them my love. x


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