The British Tag

I've seen the British tag going around blogs and vlogs forever now, and I decided it was about time I answer some of these questions myself to see 'how British I am'.

1. How many cups of tea do you have a day? How many sugars?
I actually like both Tea and Coffee, but I only have a drink every few days! I'm more keen on drinking juice or water.
2. Favourite part of your roast?
Broccoli is always yum, and I do love a good Yorkshire pudding.
3. Favourite dunking biscuit?
Rich Tea :) Boring, but nice!
4. Favourite quintessentially British pastime?
Moaning! Haha. Usually about the weather. We are never happy. I'm an odd one because I moan about Summer. I really prefer rainy days.
5. Favourite word?
Out of typical British ones I can think of - 'Bloody'. It's a nice way to let frustration out without swearing haha. As in, 'It's bloody freezing today!'.
6. Cockney rhyme slang?
I don't know any, and I usually don't understand it anyway. I'm a Northern girl!
7. Favourite sweet?
I'm more of a chocolate addict. A Kinder Bueno would go down nicely thank you.
8. What would your pub be called?
Ha.. errm.. I'd have something weird and wonderful like, 'The Dancing Unicorn'.
9. No.1 British person?
Caitlin Moran. I've already blogged about why I love her so much here. She's amazing!
10. Favourite shop / Restaurant?
I love GAP and H&M more than anything lately. As for Restaurant? I'd have to say Prego, they do beautiful Italian dishes and it always comes with fabulous service.
11. What British song pops into your head?
This makes me think of Britpop - Blur, Oasis (), The Verve. To be honest they were brilliant. Now in modern times, first thought is Arctic Monkeys. I'm still loving 'Do I Wanna Know'.
12. Marmite?
Haaaaaate it! Bleughhh. I honestly don't know how people can eat it.

I don't think I did too bad there.. Okay maybe I'm not a very typical British person. I don't drink enough Tea, I don't know any Cockney rhyming slang and I hate Marmite.
What are your favourite British things?!
Feel free to take this tag and answer it yourself if you are British :) But I personally nominate Laura, Zoe, Claire & Kim. Have a go ladies! ^_^

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  1. Great post! Thanks for nominating me .. You got great music taste girl ! I love all those bands sooo much xx

    1. There are some goodies there ! ^__^ hehe xx

  2. I'm totally with you on the marmite... yuck!
    Also, 'The Dancing Unicorn' is a fab name!

    Style Sunrise☀


  3. Yep hate marmite too...yuck

    Pam @

  4. You know the whole 'you either love it or hate it' about marmite.
    Well I don't mind it! Haha. Sometimes I fancy it, but I wouldn't buy it! Xx

    1. Wow someone who is actually in the middle?! Thats a first haha! xx

  5. Haha I don't know anything on this!! except for "bloody" and it only know about that because of Ron Weasley lol


    1. Lmao! Yus we English like that word ^__^ haha! xx

  6. If there was a pub near me called, 'The Dancing Unicorn' I'm pretty certain I would be a regular! I think I need to steal this post and give it a go soon! Lovely work m'lady xxx

    Kirsty - Effortlessly Excessive.

    1. I know right?! It's not a bad name! haha :) Hope to see yours soon! xxx

  7. I'd def come to that pub! Hahah. I'm only half british and it totally shows! None of that tea and complaining malarkey here! XD x

  8. Hehe, I'd love to visit your pub! I did this tag too - my answers are here
    Love your blog :)
    The Graduate Goddess xx

  9. I'm forever saying bloody to everything too. I think it's the one word I can get away with saying in front of the girls. Please make that pub happen! I think the most British thing that I do is drink tea and apologise when things aren't my fault. I'm forever doing that one.

    Rhiannon x
    The Sparkly Panda

    1. Oh gosh yeah! Thats another really British thing, saying sorry when you haven done anything haha! :') I definitely do that one.

      Aww thank you so much! ^__^ xx


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