Light Me Up

A lot of people associate Monday mornings with moans, plenty of coffee or absolute dread. Now while I can relate to this a little sometimes, I mostly associate Monday's with really tackling dull, tired skin/eyes. I call it my 'double highlighter' day. Basically over the weekend I like to make the most of every single free hour I have, and this means a lot less sleep for me. I do it every time, and I can't say I even regret it much. I'm getting shit done, and it feels better than having an extra few hours sleep (just about..!). But come Monday morning 5:45am, the dull skin and tired eyes are really on a roll. That's where the light in my life comes in. After trying many products over time, I've come to love the following three more than any other for banishing the Monday blues.

We have Benefit High Beam, MAC Lightscapade Mineralize Skin Finish, and BareMinerals Stroke of Light Eye Brightener. My trio of light!

I use a little of the BareMinerals Eye Brightener before and after my foundation, to really tackle my dark circles. I then apply small dots of High Beam on my cheek bones, blend it in with gentle circular motions, and finally sweep over with the MAC powder. The finished result is always one to be proud of. A beautiful, bright glow hiding any traces of the weekend behind me.

You'd never even know.

Do you have any holy grail products to get you through the week? Particularly Mondays?

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  1. I need to start using products like this because my dark circles make me feel crappy sometimes x
    Love Vicki | victoriajanex

    1. Aww, it's my favourite part of my routine! Hope you find something you like :D xx

  2. It's a amazing how makeup can change the way we look, and highlighters give such a glowy, healthy look to our skin, fantastic invention :) x

    Mummy’s Beauty Corner

  3. I love the Benefit high beam, it's my current favourite obsession! Everyone has been raving about it in the blogesphere too I've noticed!

    Hayley-Eszti |

    1. Yeah it's been a firm favourite of mine for a long time! I just cant replace it haha xx

  4. I have never tried the Bare Minerals Highlighter I might have to take a trip to Debenhams soon!! I need a good highlighter! xx

  5. These all look great! I totally agree about weekends, too ♥
    Amy xx

    Perfect Imperfections

  6. I do struggle with doing things early in the morning (I wake up at 5:30), my dark circles are terrible anyway, but oh my, you should see me without makeup on a Monday morning, terrible! The only things that seem to work for me are the cream highlighter from Essence and a good concealer xx

    have a good day!

    1. Haha 5:30am starts are tough!! - Thanks for popping by Rose! xx

  7. Ohh this products look great! I've been using the benefit how to look the best at everything and it really does make me look good! Esp their concealer! x

  8. I really like to have the light brightened look under my eyes even if I don't have dark circles. I wouldn't mind trying these products. I would recommend puff off to you also. It removes darkness and puffiness from under the eyes.


  9. This makes me wish I could have a makeup shopping spree. I miss contouring and highlighting.. it makes you look more defined and awake lol

  10. I love High Beam, although I've given up on looking alive for work on a monday morning, i figure its a monday, it is what it is. I should use highlighter more though, it's so quick and easy. I would love a mac one though.

    Hayley \\ city&code

  11. I do exactly the same, concealer before and after! Benefit high beam is a life saver, then I add a bit of Sleek powder highlighter! Does an amazing job at brightening my face!



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