10 Things I Wish I'd Known Growing Up

1. You wont feel like a 'grown up' as soon as you're 18.

2. You still won't feel like one at 26.

3. Do NOT pluck your eyebrows! Ask advice from someone older, or go a salon.

4. Be brave, nothing bad will happen.

5. You won't care about these embarrassing moments for that long! 

6. You are worth more than this. (Specifically to myself aged 21/22.)

7. You will be getting plenty more tattoos.

8. Everyone moans right now, but one day they'll thank you for all the photos you're taking.

9. Stop worrying. It doesn't even matter, seriously!

10. Some people let you down in a big way. It's okay to just move on, you don't have to forgive them.

Ohhh if I could go back..

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  1. I agree with so many of these :) especially 1, 3 & 8!

    Style Sunrise☀


  2. I can totally relate to a lot of these! Great post idea!


  3. A great post. Such true things and I really laughed about the eyebrows point!

  4. I used to go to a salon to get my eyebrows plucked but still got it wrong, as having thin eyebrows was the fashion at the time. BIG MISTAKE! Now they won't grow back! "Stop worrying" is a great advice. As we get older we realise it's useless to worry about things that sometimes we don't even have control over. :) x

    Speaking Beauty UK | Nars, Urban Decay, YSL GIVEAWAY

  5. All points are very true, so hard not to worry about every little thing when you are younger. Also right about the eyebrow thing!

    Pams Stuff and Things

  6. Great post Jemma :) All points very true - oh, what the benefit of hindsight and time brings :) x

    Brenda BusyBee | GIVEAWAY

  7. Plucking my caterpillar eyebrows was a big regret of mine, though luckily they're not to bad at the moment, Phewf!

    A xo

  8. Thankfully I never over plucked my eyebrows and I'm so grateful! And your right, I'm 22 and can't imagine feeling grown up!

    I have nominated you for my bucket list tag here by the way :) http://creamteaandrosejam.blogspot.co.uk/2014/11/the-bucket-list-tag_6.html?showComment=1415292832942&m=1 xx


  9. #3 is definitely one of mine too! I made a huge mistake and plucked from the top. So bad, it never grew back the same lol

  10. I definitely wish I'd steered clear of the eyebrow plucking... oh lord! haha xx

  11. thank you for the great advice! will take this on board! i really need to be brave and just not worry too much


  12. Yes to everything!! You still don't feel grown-up at 27! I'll probably be like this at 80! haha! xx

  13. As a 15 year old I really appreciate this post, but easier said right? And the eyebrow thing...too late :) They will never be the same again

  14. #1 is so relevant! At 20 I still feel like a 15 year old, I don't think I'll ever feel like a real grown up!

    Sophie Leigh x | http://www.sophhskii.co.uk/

  15. I wish I had known to not over pluck my eye brows too! Lol and so true about the whole "not feeling like an adult at 18" I'm 22 and still don't feel like an adult sometimes lol!


  16. I love this post. So simple and to the point, but speaks volumes! Agree with so many of them.

    Sara Bloo xo


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