10 Fun Halloween Movies

It's that wonderful time of year again; when the leaves are falling, the rain is pouring, and we're all inside watching movies by the fire. I especially like that it's getting dark so early now here in the UK. There's nothing I love more than cosy Autumn/Wintery nights.

Now as much as I am a huge fan of horror movies and a scare fest every so often (John Carpenters Halloween will forever be my fave!), I think it's nice to make time for the other movies that seem perfect for around Halloween too. As long as it's related to the spooky or the magical, you get all the Halloween fun without the scares. Lovely for anyone a bit timid!

So here's my list of top ten fun Halloween movies :) !

Hocus Pocus
Sabrina The Teenage Witch
Edward Scissorhands
The Addams Family
Harry Potter
Corpse Bride
Practical Magic
The Nightmare Before Christmas

Now, the only one I was a bit unsure to include was Scream, as it does get a bit gory. But I definitely wouldn't class the Scream films as horror, they aren't scary to me. They have jumpy moments sure, but I love them for basically being a bit thriller-y and still having a good story (in my opinion!). Definitely not appropriate for children, but if you are an adult and you can get past the blood and stabbing, you'll be fine!

I hope you all have a wonderful week, and a fantastic Halloween! I know I will :)

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  1. I love Tim Burton films, especially Edward scissorhands and Beetlejuice!

    Bethan Likes

  2. Love all of these!!

    I did a Top 5 list but if I'd have made it 10 I definitely would've included Addams Family, Sabrina, Edward Scissorhands and Corpse Bride! Haven't watched Practical Magic in years so think I need to dig that one out this year xx

    Little Miss Katy | UK Lifestyle Blog

  3. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and yes! (Only 7 yes's 'cause I've never seen Practical Magic and Beetlejuice and am not the biggest Scream fan).

    I think Nightmare Before Christmas and the Addams Family are definitely on the viewing list for Friday!


    1. Nightmare is just one of the best ever! <3

  4. I've watched all of those except for Corpse Bride! Must change that very soon..

    1. Wow reaallyyy!? Yes watch it soon haha :) It's one of my faves xx

  5. I'm going to be watching Hocus Pocus on Friday, I am going to make popcorn and also eat a Toffee Apple, yummy.


  6. LOVE Beetlejuice..always loved the line 'nice f**cking model' makes me laugh everytime.
    Oh I wanna go watch all of those now :)

    Pams Stuff and Things

    1. It's such a goodun!! <3 Thanks for popping by Pam! xx

  7. I dont think I have seen half of these!! hahaha oh dear! x


  8. I've always loved Hocus Pocus as I have two sisters and I'm called Sara. I always thought I was Sarah, my older sister grew up belting out a lot of Bette Midler songs so she was obvs Winifred and my lil sister was left with Mary. I also had a black cat, though he was called Muffin. I always wished I had named him Thackery instead. :D

    I also love Practical Magic. Sandra Bullock is flawless. <3

    Sara Bloo xo

  9. Such a great selection of films. I used to love Scream, Beetlejuice and Edward Scissorhands for Halloween. I still love these old films every now and then. They're so good! :)

    Speaking Beauty UK | Nars, Urban Decay, YSL GIVEAWAY

    1. I love the oldies way more to be honest haha :D

  10. I still need to watch Hocus Pocus! My husband said he watched it and liked it... I wonder if it's on Netflix??? Who knows but I need to watch it before Halloween!


    1. Im sure I've seen it on Netflix! But I can't believe you've never seen it :O !! Haha xx

  11. Great post! I've been getting my Halloween dvds ready, there's some I just have to watch every year and they feature on your list too! Hocus Pocus, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow (anything Tim Burton really....) Addams Family is also a must. While I do love scary or gory films, I don't usually watch them at Halloween, I tend to go for the family friendly stuff despite it being just me!!

    1. I know what you mean, I love the 'cosyness' of Halloween and all the family films ^__^ Some great ones there! x

  12. Tim Burton is one of my favourites with go to movies for Halloween! We've already on Halloween movies with Hocus Pocus and The Nightmare Before Christmas on. I know it's not set around Halloween but my favourite horror film is The Ring x

    1. Oooh anything with a freaky little girl in scares the crap out of me! Haha! I duno, The Ring, The Exorcist, The Grudge... ughh. They all terrify me because they have horrible little girls in haha! xx

  13. Omg I love Hocus Pocus!! Watched it allot when I was younger!
    ( don't forget to check your email! #bloggersgrouphug)

  14. Scream, beetlejuice & hocus pocus are a must. I also love the casper film.
    Beth x
    Mermaid in Disguise


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