Jemma Explains It All*

*Queue the cute boy climbing through my window and the promise of terrible/amazing outfits.
I'm sorry if you don't understand this reference but it's basically my childhood.

So I decided to let you guys ask me anything under the promise that I will answer anything. Yes anything! Oh dear, haha. Some of you guys went with the weird, some with the wonderful. But all were pause for thought and interesting in their own way!

I've left the twitter handles of everyone who asked me each question. Be sure to visit these crazy folk. Hope you guys enjoy because I so loved answering these. Maybe you'll learn a little about me too.

@EllaWasHereblog - Do unicorns exist? Yes! I own one. Her name is Princess Sparkle.

@thecreativegeek - One thing bloggers do that annoys you? Umm.. the select few who do that annoying 'Follow 4 follow' shiz.. :/

@OihanaSymphony - How did you start blogging? I'd read and visited blogs for years, and never even thought about making my own. I had a few bookmarked that I visited every single day and I loved the process behind them. It was only while I was out of work at the start of 2014 I realised I could make my own, and I just went for it.

- What motivated you? Everything I love to do. Writing, photography, design, craft. A blog was a place to do all that and more, and share it with others who like the same things.

- What do you prefer about blogging? The feeling of accomplishment, and the friendships I've made.

- What do you like less? Umm.. there's not really anything I can think about blogging that I don't like!

@_catsandvodka -  What's your favourite thing to do (except blogging)? Read, write, draw, paint, take photographs, craft, listen to music, be with my boyfriend, shop.

@PromptsByDee - If you could give your hair a name, what would you call it and why? Hha you strange one! Okay okay, it would be called..... Ariel. Because The Little Mermaid FEELZ.

@amazzable  - If you could be any age for a week, what age would you be? OOHH 19 again. It was my happiest and most carefree age. Mind you, I suppose I should pick something really crazy, like 6 years old. That'd be fun, maybe. Getting to be a little kid and be looked after again haha.

@sawuuh - If you could combine any two animals together to create a new species, what would it be and why? Oh dear. Umm. Can I pick a Unicorn & a cat? LOL

@Bendy_Mermaid - If you could have any flavour cake what would it be? Oh yum. CHOCOLATE. All the chocolate. Lol. With cream.

@fplfashion -  Favourite movie of all time? Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind... (and The Little Mermaid!)

Do you have a fave blog that you visit? Check out my faves page! :) All of those. If you want one I've visited like everyday for years, it'd be - I want my blog to be like hers one day.

Fave current TV show? I'm adoring 30 Rock. I was late to the party with this one. BUT OMG SO GOOD.

@gemch - What would win in a triathlon...a hippo or a giraffe?? A giraffe for sure!

@Rebelle_ution If you were starting Dorkface all over again, what advice would future you offer to baby blogger Dorkface? Oh wow. STOP trying to emulate other blogs. Think about what things you love most, and don't be scared to include them straight away. You don't have to stick to just beauty. - If I'd had that advice I'd have been doing lifestyle, art and craft from the beginning.

Thank so much to everyone who asked me these interesting questions :) hehe!

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  1. Firstly, I was actually watching my Clarissa Explains it All dvds like 2 days ago!!
    Secondly, can't believe I forgot to send you a question :(
    For next time I ask you to... Describe your blog in 3 words and describe yourself in 3 words.


    1. Clarissa was AMAZING! ^__^ Haha, I would happily watch it again. I'm impressed you have the DVD's though! :O
      Also, don't worry! I didn't leave much time haha! :D And I actually can't resist answering those questions now hehe..
      My blog in 3 words... oh god umm.. Comforting, Artistic, Friendly? And myself in 3 words?.. Happy, loyal, creative! :D Hehe. Thanks Danielle! xx

  2. Love some of your answers! Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind really confused me but it was fantastic.

    BTW - I've nominated you as one of my top 11 to recieve the Liebster Award! For more information and to take part see my post


  3. Lol, I don't know what I love more, the randomness of the questions, the answers or your blog title! I literally just found your blog today and I had to visit it when I saw the name. You had me at dork face. :o)


  4. I'm trying to imagine what a unicorn and a cat combined would look like! Love the random questions, they're brilliant!

    Emma |

  5. I loved Clarissa! I also love the idea of a Unicat.. or maybe it's a Caticorn? X

  6. I am really happy you decided to answer my question. I have never seen a unicorn so I wasn't sure if they existed. But since you own one, they must exist. Glad that question is now solved!


  7. Oh my goodness--The Little Mermaid & Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind are definitely on my top 10 movies of all time list. I have a feeling you'd also enjoy Garden State, it's corky and thoughtful.



Thank you so much for reading! I'd love to know what you thought :)

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