12 Signs You Might Hate People

1. You would rather deal with shitty self checkout than a human being.

2. You've made up an excuse to leave a social situation early, because too much interaction is just not going to work for you.

3. When friends call you, you hang up and text them, asking what they want (Sorry!).

4. You wear headphones just to stop strangers from talking to you.

5. You regularly want to punch people in the face.

6. When even your friends cancel on you, you aren't that heartbroken.

7. If you do make plans with a friend, and they suddenly decide to bring someone else; this can ruin your day. This person is not of my my small circle of thoroughly chosen friends!

8. Working in retail is literally your worst nightmare.

9. ..And if you have to, it'll make you hate people even more.

10. If you can't order it online, you don't buy it.

11. You avoid eye contact with your neighbours from fear they may try talk to you.

12. April Ludgate is your spirit animal.

Seriously I want to marry April Ludgate and then never talk to each other.

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  1. Yup. This is me, 100%.


  2. Lol these are soo true! I totally agree with when plans are cancel and im singing the hallelujah chorus!! Great Post! Xxx

    Anisha ♥ www.allyouneedisredlipstick.com

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Great post, this is so relatable for me haha. I love April too, also parks and Rec is the best show ever.
    Day Dreaming

  5. Definitely, haha! I'll take hiding behind my laptop over a social situation, thank you very much. :D Xxxx

  6. Hahaha Jemma I LOVE this. I really used to think I was such a weirdo.because I didn't like people but I know I'm not now! 6. is so me. Well they all are but that's the one that made me smile most!
    Rebecca | The Two Twenty Somethings

  7. Lol, love this. I tend to only hate people when I'm at work (I work in a pub - think retail but with drunken idiots instead of sober!) but I totally get where you're coming from,

  8. That first picture absolutely killed me, that was me in Tesco the other night, it was driving me mad and all I was trying to buy was some tomatoes! Stupid self-serve!

    Sarah :)
    Saloca in Wonderland

  9. This post made me laugh =]


  10. I can't believe how much all of this relates to me :') Especially bringing a friend along and the cancelled plans is like heroin haha! Great post :) xx

  11. Love this list! I really am just like April Ludgate. "I want to reward dogs for not being people" is one of my favorites from her!

  12. This list gave me a good giggle this evening! It's scary that I related to a good few of these too, especially when I've gotten to the point where I'm now fairly OK when dealing with new people and adventures, but that first one will never not strike anger in me - those automated check-outs do it purpose I think, and it gave me some heavy danisnotonfire flashbacks too - he did a little skit about this back in the day! - Tasha

  13. I work in retail and one of the main life lessons I have learnt from it is that I hate people. :')

    Sian | Siân Marie Beauty

  14. I can relate to so many of these!

  15. Haha I love all of these! I can totally relate ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  16. Yes! Mostly 11 & 12. Perfection.
    >> Sam | diyjustcuz.com

  17. I wear my headphones every time I leave the house to avoid awkward exchanges, especially if I'm using public transport!

    Roxie ♥

  18. This is totally absolutely me :D

  19. Yeah this is basically how I feel after these last two weeks. Thanks so much for this!

  20. Haha this is so funny (because it's true!) I hate most people haha. Awesome post hun xx

    Sophie Elizabeth

  21. Haha I loved this post! I'm with you on everything. April is honestly so relatable...
    Ivory Avenue

  22. Wearing my headphones at work is a godsend.

  23. Yep, I can relate to so many of these! I'm always guilty of ignoring peoples phonecalls and then responding with a text haha..oops. xx


  24. All of these are VERY familiar....

  25. This made me laugh!! so true! Great post xx


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