My 10 Favourite Things About Blogging

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1. Friends. Whether it be people I talk to everyday on Twitter, or the amazing girls I've managed to meet so far; I love having blogging buddies. It's so much fun!

2. Confidence. My confidence has totally shot up since I began blogging, it's shocking how much really! I now love meeting new people, I'm not as worried over social situations and I believe in myself so much more.

3. The inspiration. In the past 16 months I've felt more inspired than ever before. I regularly paint, draw, photograph, write, collage and craft. I'm constantly thinking of new ideas and I have my blog to thank for it all.

4. New experiences. Whether it be meet ups, working with brands, or being exposed to so many different cultures and people; blogging is always bringing me new experiences.

5. Keeping a record. I mean, how awesome is it gonna be in ten years time to look back and see how my life was in October of 2014? To see everything I was up to or interested in; amazing! Like keeping a freaking awesome journal, except better.

6. Purpose. Blogging now gives me a sense of purpose I didn't have before, and I didn't even know it. I always have something to do and there are always ideas and ambitions swirling around my mind.

7. Opportunities. There's no denying the flattering opportunities are a great bonus when blogging. People want me to review their products, write for them, paint for them. I get to go to events that I'm very flattered to attend and I get to meet awesome bloggers!

8. Community. If I ever have a problem, I already know there's a whole community at my fingertips if I need it, and that's pretty damn special. I also love getting the chance to support other writers and creatives. A feeling of 'we're all in this together' runs through the community, and it's bloody nice!

9. Trends. Without blogging and social media, I'd be hopeless. I would not know about new makeup products and what trends I should be looking out for, for the next season. I've also developed a better sense of style (only slightly albeit, ha!) for myself because of other bloggers tips! Seeing what works for my body shape, and how I can make the most of it.

10. Fun! There's no other way to explain it really; the feeling I get every single day. The reason I post so often, the reason I live on Twitter and the reason I'm always busy. It's fun! My own little blogging adventure is something that really makes me happy, and I can't see that changing anytime soon. 

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  1. YES to all of these! I had no idea about the community beforehand, but don't know where I'd be without it now! :)

    Style Sunrise☀


  2. Love this, and totally true.
    Big love to blogging!

    Rach //


  3. I cannot relate to this post enough! (I'm not sure if that makes sense but you get what I mean ;) hehe). I just love blogging. Meeting new people, being able to chat with those who really understand you, becoming more confident, motivated and inspired and having a hobby to give your all to - it's amazing! xx

    Jessie | allthingsbeautiful-x

  4. Absolutely 1000% agree with all of these! I love you Jemma, you are a fabulous blogger and I am so glad we are friends!


  5. Definitely agree with these points! I've had some amazing opportunities all because of my blog and the blogging community is just amazing x

    Heather | Of Beauty & Nothingness

  6. I hope I can get in on the community part, I'm Stoll new to blogging and I only recently started my blog. I hope it turns out well and I end up having this much fun and experience!

    - Kat //

  7. love this post! i hope i am able to have some of these things from my blog! :) xo

  8. There are such wonderful effects of blogging, and I'm so happy for you, Jemma! I think the best part that comes from blogging for me personally would definitely be confidence and fun. Loved this post! <3

    May • THE MAYDEN

  9. fabulous post and I agree with you it has such a great community and blogging is so much fun as well! the best hobby ever :D

    Fruity Flamingo

  10. What a lovely post! There are so many good things that come from blogging, I would have never guessed how much I would love it when I started ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  11. I agree with so many of these! Blogging has definitely helped my confidence too x
    eleanor's adventures // UK Fashion & Beauty Blog

  12. Definitely agree! I am loving how friendly and supportive the community has become.

  13. Absolutely agree with all of this! 1 and 2 are probably my favourite things that have come from blogging!

    Meg | A Little Twist Of…

  14. Ahh, yes to all of that. Although I can't seem to be able to connect really with anyone, no matter how much effort I put into it! *Sigh* x

    Bitchin' Pam'

  15. Yes to all of this! Especially the blogging friendships you create!

    Renee | Lose The Road

  16. Hells yeah to them all.

    Sarah | <3

  17. Woo! High five =]

  18. These are few of the things that I love about blogging too. I have made so many friends through blogging and meeting them in real life was the biggest perk of blogging.

  19. Lovely post and so true on all points. Do you ever feel like it invades your offline life at all?

  20. Yaaaas. I love this. The Friends is my number one too! YAY INTERNET PEOPLE <3

    Little Miss Katy | UK Lifestyle Blog

  21. yes, definitely agree with all of these. especially the blogging friends, have never met a group of girls (and guys) that enjoy what i do as much as i do!

    brooke | brooke elise

  22. <3 this is such a wonderful post! It made me smile <3
    I just started blogging this year and I'm having so much fun too :)

  23. Yaaaay, agree with all of these. Blogging is the best thing in the entire world and community consist of such kind, lovely people that you just want to squeeze everyone.


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