Give Up The Ghost

This past week I've been going through a bit of a drag creativity wise. I'm keen enough to start a project, and have plenty of ideas to get me going well enough. The problem is I'm giving up half way through everything I begin. Whether it be painting, drawing both by hand/computer, or making my beloved collages, nothing has been seen right through to the end.

I don't seem to lack the inspiration to get started and get my creative juices flowing. In fact, this week alone I seem to have done more than usual within my schedule. So what is it that stops me halfway through each project? I'm lacking an end game here, and I'm not happy about it. I need to figure out what it is I want to create. Sometimes I'm happy just floating along aimlessly, experimenting with my Art and seeing what my hands feel like doing day by day. God knows that's exactly what my Art journal is all about, which is great.

Right now though, I want a purpose for it all. Whether it be something small, like making card designs, getting some prints ready for my own tshirts/posters, or an illustration/comic series; I need that idea. That one thing that spurs you on and sees you through each creative lull. I don't think I've had that challenge since College/University. Trying to create it for myself is proving difficult.

It's still fun, don't get me wrong. I can't not create, it's who I am and what I love. I think I just need to feel a purpose with my work, which I probably haven't for a while. I'm hoping you guys won't mind me sharing my half attempts of Artwork with you, talking through my process. I have plenty I've been working on, but I've been reluctant to share since it's not all finished. Let me know if you think it's worth including every now and again? Also if you actually have any suggestions of projects I might like to tackle, please let me know!

In the meantime I'll experiment with my paints, keep making collages, draw anything which inspires me and doodling along the sides of shopping receipts. And who doesn't find it extremely satisfying to swirl and mix paint around anyway? :)

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  1. I know how you feel! Lately I've had a million ideas for t-shirts and prints but since I'm at work I just feel like, sad I'm not creating the things in my head! Sure, it's probably just a rough patch in our creative paths!



  2. I used to be so passionate about art. It was my 'thing'. But I've been in an art slump for so long. I hated everything I started. Now it's taking a back seat to blogging, but I really hate that. Seeing your stuff really makes me wish I put more time and effort into art. I used to love my art journals. I wish I could get that inspiration back. Anyway, can't wait to see more of your stuff! :)

    Sara Bloo xo

  3. that's awesome your post makes me want to get back to drawing and painting. cool post


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