Art Journal: Going Back

'Going Back'

Another installment into my Art Journal today using pen, pencil, ink and collage. The portrait on the right is actually done from an old photo of myself at first year college. I kind of like it because it reminds me of that exact year, and how awesome it was. I had some great memories and I find sometimes little things can take you right back. Whether it be photographs, letters, drawings, music or scents.

I love sketchy, rough, slapdash work and that's a style I find myself sticking to a lot. It feels like there's a lot more freedom when being spontaneous with Art and I like how there's no set out plan or order to it.

Let me know what you guys think.
I've already started working on my next few pages, I seem to have found some inspiration (yay!). So I will probably be posting more Art Journal stuff in a few days.

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  1. Awesome drawings! :D

  2. I wish I could draw as good as that! x

    1. I'm not that good, I really have to try I can't do anything realistic haha. But thank you! x

  3. Fantastic work! I love your style :D xoxo

    1. Woop! Thank you ^__^ I appreciate that so much xx

  4. You're so talented & creative! I love these especially the portrait x

    Beauty with charm | TOOFACED GIVEAWAY

  5. You're so good at art. I am doing an art course for my GSCE's and I am finding it so hard to keep on top of everything. Have you got any tips?x

    1. Wow thank you <3 I didn't do great in my Art GCSE to be honest because the class was awful. It wasn't until I got to college and thankfully still had a passion for Art that I really began working and challenging myself. I think the advice I could give is.. don't be afraid to experiment with lots of different mediums until you find one you love. Whether it be pencil drawings, paintings, photography, craftwork, textiles, collage, whatever! And try to give 100% for all projects whether small or large because you are creating a body of work that will be a pleasure to look back on in years to come, and something that will continue to inspire you when you need it! xxx

  6. That's some lovely artwork! I love to doodle though, especially in my filofax hehe ^^ really loving your blog too! You have a new follower!!!

  7. Wow! You have talent, girl! I love both sketches! xx
    Mummy's Beauty Corner

  8. I love the drawing of you! So pretty! xx

  9. I love these drawings!! I cant draw people to save my life!

    Gemma xx

  10. love , love, love! you are so creative!.. keep doing these!


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