Sunday Slumber

Happy Sunday everyone! 

I hope the weekend has been kind to you, whatever you've been doing. Some of you may be wrapped in a duvet reading this, some may be on their way out for a day of adventuring. Me however? I plan on spending the whole day taking blog photos and organising my schedule.

I've had my blog schedule planned for September for aaaggges, but I think I want to mix things up a little. I have some new ideas for posts I'd like to work in there, which I think you guys will like. So yeah, all about organising and prep today! Fun blog things basically.

As you can see, I've decided to doodle out some of my fave things from this week, and I'm hoping this becomes more of a regular thing on this blog. I want my illustrative side to really show in loads of my posts, and I find it so enjoyable anyway.

I got a load of patches and pins for my denim jacket and I've been having fun pinning/sewing/ironing them on and decorating it all. I'm sure by next week I'll show you the start of my new creation. I got most of them from Punky Pins, if anyone is wondering.

It's so, so rainy in Liverpool here this weekend, and I'm absolutely thrilled. 

I've begun bringing out all the scarves and hats already, and I'm on the hunt for cute gloves too. Sidenote; why do I always need new gloves every year? Where do the old ones go? Hmm..

I got some new books this week; one which I've found SUPER inspiring and I think you guys will ADORE - so I'm doing a post on that this week at some point. Trust me, you'll wanna check back for it. It's awesome. I had the bestest pamper day in Liverpool Metquarter too this week, and it really made me feel so much better about myself. You can expect a full post on it all soon, but yeah it was definitely a highlight of this week.

Can we talk about this new blog layout?
I'm loving it. Like really loving it.

I feel like I've got rid of all the fancy pants/swish/glossy look, and replaced it with a good old back to basics 'blogger' type of look. Dya' know what I mean? Plus now I can switch up my header design more easily, and I bloody love it at the moment! It shows this is a creative type of blog more, I think. I'd love a good bit of feedback on this though guys! The only thing I'm not 100% happy with is the comments, as I prefer Disqus but it doesn't look like I can have it with this template. Please let me know you'll still love me and leave me comments! - EEEP.

In other news... I've been feeling quite... 'distant' from everyone this week, shall we say? I feel like a loner in the blogging community lately. A lot of people will be surprised to hear that, or try argue it. I know there are lovely friends out there by the way! That's not what I mean. I guess I feel like.. I'm not anyone's priority really (not that I have to be). I'm finding it incredibly hard to explain what I mean right now to be honest! It's like, I feel like I'm in this huge crowd of people who are all wonderful, and lovely, and if I asked for help or anything they'd be there like a shot. But, if I didn't.. they'd all carry on around me talking to each other or making plans with each other, and I'd just be on the sidelines. I've been wondering a lot lately if that's my own fault, and I'm not sure. I feel like I'm pretty 'involved' and interactive with so many groups of people, so I don't think it's that. My busy schedule doesn't help things I know.

I'm not sure.. in all honesty. All I know is that I've felt like this for a while and I can usually tell myself it's not intentional and that I'm being silly. But this week? Nahh, I've not been able to tell myself different. I've just felt like utter crap to be honest.

And I think people forget that I work from home. Which means I don't see anyone. Half my friends have busy lives or live far away... so it's just little old me sat here.
Yeah, it can get incredibly lonely.

God, sorry this blog post got onto a right downer. I'm absolutely fine, promise! :) Just trying to share everything from this week, and painting an honest picture means including those negative vibes I'm afraid.

Anyway, tell me about your week! What have you loved? What are your plans for next week? :)

Lots of love, Jemma x

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