Tag Tag Tag!

Here are the rules: 
1. Link the blogger who nominated you and their own blog. 
2. Include the award logo on your own blog. 3. Answer their 10 questions. 4. Make up 10 questions for the bloggers you nomiate. 5. Nominate 10 bloggers to do the award. 

It's a fun tag day! The gorgeous Francine from The Graduate Goddess tagged me and set some lovely little questions for me to answer :) I think this is great because it means the questions are constantly changing as the tag gets passed on, and you learn new things about each blogger!
So here we go..

1. What type of music do you like most?
I am a fan of lots of emo to be honest haha. Punk rock and chilled indie floats my boat a bit too. I'd say they were my favourite genres, but I can also love artists such as Eminem, FOE and even Taylor Swift! Lol.

2. What 3 things would you take with you to a desert island?
My laptop because I can't live without it. Some art supplies to stay creative.. and a huge supply of books? Is that allowed? Ok just my kindle ;)

3. Which are your favourite beauty blogs/YouTube channels?
You can see my favourite blogs here, and my favourite Youtuber of all is Louise Sprinkle of Glitter. She is so funny, down to earth and gets on with everyone. Plus her daughter is TOO adorable!

4. What are your favourite types of blog post to read? and to write?
I love lifestyle ones mostly I think, even though I'm open to anything as long as it's written and presented well. I like when people share little snippets of their life through photographs and I like to do this myself too :)

5. If you won the lottery tomorrow, what would be the first thing you bought?
A lovely house for me and Gary <3 Then our two doggies we want!

6. What is your number one favourite beauty product?
This is so hard.. but I think to be honest I always come back to Benefit High Beam. I just think it's beautiful and it always makes me feel better if I'm having an off day.

7. If you could only use one beauty brand for the rest of your life, which would it be?

8. Diamonds or pearls?
Diamonds. Its my birthstone!

9. What's your autumn make up look going to be?
Dark eyes and plum lips! And tousled hair :)

10. Do you have a secret beauty tip which you tell everyone?
Try to go as long as you can between washes with your hair! Seriously it helps it soo much. I've recently noticed mine is much softer and conditioned. Less heat is obvious too but important.

And there we have it!
So my questions are:

1. If you had to change your name, what would it be?
2. What's one thing you really believe in?
3. What is your favourite physical feature?
4. What beauty product do you buy religiously?
5. Favourite book of all time?
6. Name ONE blogger you admire or relate to most?
7. Give us one random fact about yourself?
8. Tea/Coffee/Hot chocolate?
9. Last thing to make you angry?
10. What is your favourite thing about blogging?

And the people I tag are...

Please don't feel like you have to do this tag :) It's just there if you fancy it.
Let me know if you do and leave the link in the comments for me to check out!

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So lovely answers there, I agree I love Louise too she seems like such a great person

    Pams Stuff and Things

  3. Love this post, I've just tagged you in the TMI tag over on my page, hope your join in :)!

  4. Thanks Gemma! Might give this a go tomorrow!


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