3 Steps To A Better Me

I often think about the future and wonder where I will be in a few years time, and what I will be doing. If I'll be happy? Will I have kids? Where will I be living? It's nice to plan ahead, hope and dream for the future, but sometimes I get so wrapped up in plans I forget to live for the now. We've all heard it before, 'Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans' and it really is true. So many of us forget to stop looking ahead so much, and take notice at what's going on around us right now. After all, what we do today will influence tomorrow anyway.

So with that in mind I got to thinking about what kind of person I want to be today, tomorrow, ten years down the line.

1. Fun
Okay this probably sounds lame, but hear me out. I worry that I'm not fun, spontaneous or exciting enough in my day to day life anyway with Gary and my friends. I hope I am, but I always wonder whether I could be happier, chattier, ..more interesting? I'm probably being self conscious for nothing, which doesn't help. But I do want to be the best I can be without my anxiety or insecurities holding me back with the people I love. Also when I picture having children in the future, one of my biggest hopes is that I'm a really fun mum. Not in a, 'I'm a cool mom!' way, haha. Just a relaxed and understanding mum who spends lots of quality time with my kids doing 'fun' things.

2. Strong
When I look back over times I've been ashamed of myself, or done things I regret, it's usually because I haven't been strong enough. I'd like to think of myself as a strong person in various ways, and find it within me to overcome things that I find hard. Whether it be standing up for myself (which I am awful at), sticking by things I believe in, or knowing that I have the courage to overcome anything. I would love this more than anything, and hope I gain this quality as I grow older.

3. Kind
Kindness is something I strive to be all the time of course. But sometimes we forget that we can go that extra mile for others, or we fail to see the everyday kindness's we are capable of. I would like to constantly improve on this and be kinder to myself and others around me. The people I admire most are always kind people and it truly is an important quality. So whether it be helping out someone as I go about my business, sending a random card/gift to a friend, or even just telling someone they look nice today; I know I'll be trying to spread a little kindness.

Have you thought about the kind of person you are or how others see you?
What qualities do you most value in a person? Let me know in the comments please guys :)

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  1. I know how you feel I often worry so much about the future I forget about whats going on now. That's the thing I try to work on most as I know I will regret it one day.
    I definitely think that kindness is one of the most important qualities in people and I try to make sure that I am kind to others as well.
    Loved this post :)
    Bethan likes

    1. Thanks for popping by and commenting Bethan <3 I completely agree I think kindness is one of the most important, and what I strive to be. :)

  2. This is such a lovely, heartfelt post :D really enjoyed reading it! I worry about the future too much also, I guess who doesn't in today's society! I need to pick up on these tips and start thinking of myself as a person and my qualities, as I live in the now! I always appreciate kindness and honesty in someone x

    Beauty with charm | TOOFACED GIVEAWAY

  3. In high school I definitely worried too much about the future, I tried to plan my whole life out and it just didn't work out. Now I know to just go with the flow and take it day by day. :D


  4. I think those 3 qualities never necessarily come naturally to anyone. But if you want to have them then I think you probably already are fun, strong and kind, because you work hard to be that way! They are three very admirable traits and are definitely three things I hope my friends and family think I am too. Even you aren't all of them all of the time, the fact that you are conscious of it will make a huge difference :)
    Shopped and Dropped - a lifestyle blog

    1. I hope so, I think they are very important to be honest. Especially kindness. Thank you so much for stopping by! <3

  5. i'm a big believer on worrying about today as today will sort out the future. we are young we should just enjoy it! enjoyed reading this post


    1. I know I want to have that attitude so much more! Hopefully I can :) x

  6. This is such a great post, you've taken the words straight out of my mouth! We could all learn from those three things! I definitely need to learn to live in the present and think less about the past/future!

    Alexandra ♡

  7. what's funny is that it took STRENGTH for you to post this. It took KINDNESS for you to share this with the world. It takes someone FUN, SPONTANEOUS & INTERESTING to even consider sharing their life.

    So all I have to say is KUDOS darling...you are already well on your way.

    Just remember to never have regrets.... everything happens for a reason.

    - D xo | dreamandexhale.blogspot.ca

    1. I know I've replied on Twitter already but thank you so much for this reply! <3 It made me smile so much and I hope you're right <3 x

  8. Great post Jemma, this was literally like reading my own thoughts on a blog post haha! Laughed at the "cool mom" reference, I also aspire to be a fun parent in the future too :D
    And I completely agree with Dream and Exhale too :)


  9. What a gorgeous post! When I get older I just want to be a happy person that everyone likes. The thought of growing old and being grumpy terrifies me. There is always a silver lining no matter how bad life gets and I live my life by this ! xxx


Thank you so much for reading! I'd love to know what you thought :)

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