Home From Plymouth

So last night I got home from Plymouth, where I've been since Wednesday if you didn't already know. My boyfriend Gary is from there, and we went to visit his family for a long weekend, so I haven't had a chance to blog anything as I was enjoying time away from the computer. 
 We had a lovely few days there with sunny but crisp weather which was great. Gary got to see friends and family, and we even attended a gorgeous wedding party. Unfortunately I didn't get many photographs as I only had my phone with me at the time.

The photographs above show some amazing views, which are right outside Gary's family home. I love this view and never tire of it whenever I visit Plymouth, as the view we have here in Liverpool is so different.

We even got to see stags, deer and foxes up close as they all regularly roam the fields in front of the house at night. I am absolutely gutted I don't have photographs of this but it was so hard to get a good photo at night, and we didn't want to spook them. 

I had such a lovely time, and it felt refreshing to have time away to ourselves without responsibility. I'm sorry I haven't had a blog post up in like 6 days, but I'll be back on track from now on!

Hope you enjoyed having a look at some of our photographs.
What have you guys been up to?!

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  1. You look lovely! I'm pleased you had a nice few days away. I've never been to Plymouth but it looks really pretty!

    Suitcase and Sandals Blog x

    1. Aww thanks miss! I duno how I convinced Gary to move haha! xx

  2. Fab photos!! Glad to hear you had a nice little break and that the other half got to catch up with friends and family.
    SO super jealous of your wildlife encounters!!!

    The photo of the two of you is super lush!

    <3 xo

    1. The stags were amaaaaazing Danielle! They were getting all rowdy knocking their antlers together haha, it was amazing to watch while it was so silent at night :D xx

  3. Glad to hear you had a lovely break :) Your photos look lovely! xxx

    Brenda BusyBee

  4. Lovely photos! I'm pleased you had a pleasant break! :)

    Style Sunrise☀


    1. Eeep, thank you! We had a fab time! ^__^ xx

  5. Welcome back :) Some lovely photo's there too. I went to Plymouth a few years back as my husband was in the Navy and trained there so he took me back to see all the old haunts and I love it there :)

    Pams Stuff and Things

    1. Oooh it's so nice isn't it!? Thanks for popping by doll <3 xx

  6. Looks like you had a great time! I really want to go to that bit of the country x

    Jasmin Charlotte | UK Lifestyle Blog

    1. Aww you should sometime, its so nice! xx

  7. OK SO I AM SO EXCITED. So I'm scrolling through your photos and I get to the one of your chap sitting on the fence and I think "I am 100% sure that's just down the road from my friend's house... I think Plym Bridge is JUST down from there?" and then I scroll down through the other photos and come to the one of you and him AND I KNOW HIM! Not like, know know him, but he used to go out with a girl I know (in the past, horrible girl!) and I'm just so excited because that's such a small world! Liam (my fiancé) is currently trying to decide whether he knew him from school.

    What a small world!?

    1. PS. I hope you had fun in P-Town! xx

    2. I know I've replied to this on Twitter but this is just still so amazing haha! Such a small wee world we live in!! :D Can't believe I wasn't that far from you darling, and you know my better half! Lmao :) So nice! xx

  8. Gorgeous photos, it looks like you had an amazing time and the sky looks sooo beautiful!


    1. I know it was actually really nice weather there! :D xx

  9. It was a welcome break definitely, but I'm also happy to be home and back into routine now ^__^ x

  10. Gorgeous photos! I love the picture of the flower :)


  11. your pictures are so cute! and i'm glad you took a break. breaks has necessary to clear our minds and reboot ourselves


  12. Aw looks beautiful! Glad you had a good time! :)

    Sarah x


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