A Touch Of Silk

Sometime I come across a product so surprisingly wonderful and unexpectedly perfect, that I know I simply must share it on here immediately. And the best bit? It's only £3.99 from Superdrug.

I've tried one or two products from the Vitamin E range before, and not been disappointed at all so far. So when I seen the Moisture Boost Facial Serum last week, I popped it into my basket and decided to give it a go. 

I cannot express enough to you guys how amazing this little bottle is. I've never been one to use serums much before, but I can see I'm definitely converting now. I'm sure there are many fantastic expensive ones out there too, but this one is going to be a keeper for me for a while I bet. I only need two small pumps to cover my whole face and it absorbs within moments; leaving my skin the silkiest and smoothest it's ever felt. Ooh la la. As if that weren't good enough; it gives a very subtle, but beautiful glow to my sometimes dull skin. And when I begin to apply my makeup, it applies easier than usual. Blending is suddenly less rigorous, and I seem to get more from my makeup because of this beautiful serum.

I thoroughly recommend you all give it a try if you're looking for a purse friendly serum to become part of your daily routine. I have normal to dry skin mostly, and this works miracles for me. I'd love to hear how this does on oily skin though, so let me know if you've used this?

Lots of love,

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  1. This sounds great, I have oily skin so I'm always put off by serums but I may give this a go!x

    Shannon | Simply Shannon

    1. It's worth a try because it definitely doesn't feel oily at all to me! :) Good luck! xx

  2. I love this range in Superdrug but never noticed this product before. *added to basket*

    Gill x EyelinerFlicks

  3. This sounds amazing and I can't believe what a bargain it is, I really need to give it a try x

    Beauty with charm

  4. It's very true though that you don't need to buy £100 fancy serums and the nice drug-store brands work just as good or better :) I haven't got a serum in my routine - but I might add one to see if it makes a difference :)

    John ¦ Shout John

    1. Definitely worth a try! I'm now actually keen to try the more expensive ones to compare, but I am so happy with this one :)
      Thanks for visiting lovely! xx

  5. This serum sounds lovely and you can't beat £3.99, right? :) Must have a look at it. Thanks for sharing. x

    Renata | Speaking Beauty UK

    1. Exactly! Bargain! Haha :D
      Aww thanks so much for popping by lovely <3 xx

  6. I've just finished my Vitamin E serum from The Body Shop which was about £8-9 and my skin is crying out for a new one, so I'll definitely be picking this up to see how it compares! xx

    Charlotte / Colours & Carousels

    1. Oh yeah let me know what you think! I might give the Body Shop one a go and we can compare, hehe xxx

  7. Im currently using the Serum by L'Oreal which is £16.99 so this might be worth a try! x
    Emma | Emmys Blog

  8. I am loving this range from Superdrug at the moment. I am using the toning spray and I love the smell :)

    Pams Stuff and Things
    LORAC PRO Palette Giveaway

    1. Found your blog recently and I’d like to say that I’m in love with it!
      Interesting posts and beautiful photos!
      I’ll be happy to see you in my blog!)

      Diana Cloudlet

  9. My skin has been feeling a bit sorry for itself of late so this could be the boost it needs! Thanks. :-)

  10. Ooh this does sound good, I'll be giving it a try! Thank you for the honest review :)

  11. This sounds amazing! I'm definitely going to have to try it ♥
    Amy xx

    Perfect Imperfections

  12. Serums confuse me, are these to replace moisturizers? I have read so many great reviews on this entire line, going to have to look into it a bit more. Love a great bargain find!

    Thanks for posting :)



  13. I looove the Vitamin E range. Their exfoliator is fabulous. Haven't tried the serum yet though. It's going on my list! :D xx

    Little Miss Katy | UK Lifestyle Blog

  14. This sounds lovely and such a bargain price too! :) It's always so satisfying when you find a product that you love x

    Brenda BusyBee | Bella & Bear Pro Makeup Brush Set Giveaway

  15. I love serums, although I don't use them very often. I have heard good things about Superdrugs ranges, I may have to test thing out in the future.

    Hayley \\ city&code

  16. I really love this entire range, so underrated!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  17. Thanks for your thoughts on this! It does sound pretty amazing. I was always confused about the difference between serums and moisturisers. However after reading up serums seem to be great for using under your makeup like you mentioned almost like a primer. I’m definitely considering this product as it’s so affordable! :-) xx

    Helen | Helens Fashion & Beauty Blog

  18. #1: Your blog is hella adorable.

    #2: You just made me use "hella" in a sentence.

    #3: This was a fantastic review. I'm going have to try this out!


  19. I'm definitely going to try this! such a bargain :) x


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