Confidence Update


Last month I wrote about how I wanted to improve my confidence, and the small steps I could take towards feeling more comfortable in my own skin. I've definitely given plenty of things a try, and found some success already which I wanted to share. 

Being brave;
I've put myself purposely in situations that intimidate me a little, but that I know will be good for me. Offering to take on new responsibilities at work really paid off, my boss was impressed and told me how well I was doing, and I felt productive, inspired and more confident.

Spreading a little joy;
I've really made an effort to find happiness in each day, and be thankful for something. I've encouraged people around me, gone out of my way to cheer someone up, and complimented at least one person everyday. It feels amazing! I'm the happiest I've maybe ever felt.

Stopping comparison;
This one was the hardest for me. Whether it be wishing I looked different, was as successful as other people, or as funny/smart/creative; it was very difficult to stop. I have found though that I at least counteract these thoughts immediately, with more positive ones. I've made an effort to look nice, and complimented myself in moments of doubt. I've tried to remember that I'm in a much better place than I was a few years ago, and so I'm already successful in many ways. And as for being funny? Ahh well, you can't have it all.

Tricking my body;
This one is quite funny because it works on two levels. I have began doing power poses at times when I feel most vulnerable or insecure, and it has helped. Mostly because I feel ridiculous, but it makes me laugh. Either way it stops me stressing out or caving in to insecurity. I also smile a lot more at strangers too, it's nice. Try it.

Those are the small steps I've taken so far to build up my confidence, and I think it's going great so far. I'm actually going to my first blog event ever in three weeks, and I'm so excited but I definitely think it'll be a test for my confidence.

Wish me luck!

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  1. Good luck Jemma! Hope the event goes well! And I can totally relate to the comparing one. It can be so tough but once you stop, it feels soo great! Much love xxc

    Anisha ♥

    1. Aww thanks Anisha! I'll be trying my best :) xx

  2. That's amazing that you're already having such great successes! Comparisons are a killer and something I still can't stop doing, but I am all about smiling at strangers :D Good luck for the event, it sounds like you'll do great.

    1. Aww thanks Ellie! ♥ I've done well I think, but still a long way to go!! xx

  3. Good luck for the blogging event, it is scary but also not as bad as you think. Glad that you are doing well with your task too :)

    Pams Stuff and Things
    LORAC PRO Palette Giveaway

    1. Aww hope so haha! I'm excited for it though :D xx

  4. Well done Jemma for proactively trying to improve your confidence and it sounds like you are doing great so far! Good luck for your blogging event - it is scary but you will be fine :) Do you know anyone going? It might be an idea to try and connect with a few people who are going and meet up before the event for a coffee so you have someone to go with.... :) xx

    Brenda BusyBee | Bella & Bear Pro Makeup Brush Set Giveaway

    1. Yeah I've already planned to be with someone I know hehe! It really helps :) Aww thanks so much Brenda! I'm really trying hard, it can be difficult though. Lets hope it keeps getting better :) xxx

  5. It took me a long time to stop comparing but I'll rather feel happy with myself than be miserable with envy. Just imagine you're friends with them all and you're trying to be supportive lol

    The one thing that gets me is usually creativity.. some people are naturally like that and they could do pretty much everything. It takes me awhile to get inspired and get into the mood. Not so awesome but cherishing what you have and what you could do helps.

    Others feel that way about you over the things you do. You're a blogger, creative, happy/positive and encouraging. So many things are noticeable through your blog!

    1. Aww thank you so much Crissy! <3 It's good to know someone understands all of these feelings, even though I'd hate for you to ever feel any of them!
      I do try to concentrate on the good, and I hope I continue to keep getting better :) xx

  6. I loved this post - your steps are so obvious get have never occurred to me before . I have bookmarked this page and will refer back to it often until all of these become second nature to me. Keep updating as I would love to hear how things go for you ESP at your blogging event. I found my first excruciating but it got better fast and I really look forward to them now x

  7. This kind of post is one of the best ones to read! Definitely all good ways of gaining some confidence. Especially the one about being brave, which is something I struggle with a lot! You know, I'm so often afraid that I can't do something and it almost always turns out that I can! Last year, I was offered a job with so much responsibility that I was so sure I couldn't do it. But my parents convinced me and I took the job. And not to brag, but I think I did pretty well haha! I was so proud of myself when the job was done and it definitely helped my confidence! Being brave is so hard but so worth it!

    Sofie xx

  8. This is great! I'm going to have to try out some of your tricks ♥
    Amy xx

    Perfect Imperfections

  9. Yay, go you! I'm so pleased to read things are going well :) I agree that pushing ourselves a little out of our comfort zones pays off! :D

    Style Sunrise ☀


  10. Hi Jemma,

    How are you today? Well done on your improvements and the compliments from your boss. I think it is important to be yourself and have a little trust. Sometimes it also helps as you've said, to simply try out new situations and learn from them. The more experience the better. I sometimes get a little fear when I go to events on my own, because I don't know anyone and I don't want to have an awkward situation. It has helped to remind myself that others might be in a similar position and not know each other so that is usually an ice breaker to me and to approach openly new people. Also if you let your fear restrict you then there will be awkwardness, so i find it helpful to let my insecurities take over for 10 seconds, but then I breath in, put a smile on my face and let go of the restrictions which makes me relaxed and positive and hope others notice. Hope to speak soon xxxx

    Caz | Lunch Break Adventures

  11. Good luck with your event. I think it sounds like you are doing really well. I could do with using these tips myself. I have zero confidence in real life and I find so many things completely overwhelming. I definitely need to be braver, and I am trying to do things that I really don't want to just to get out of my comfort zone a bit like you said. I like your point about stopping comparison. I compare myself to people all the time and it is so counter-productive and it just makes me miserable. I really need to stop.

    I enjoyed reading this post. I'm new to your blog but I've been catching up this week and I really like it :)

    Charlotte | Educating Elsa

  12. Loved this post! <3 Good luck with building your confidence, I've always had really low confidence but I do think that as you get older it gets better and taking small steps towards improving your confidence really does help!
    Chelle xx

  13. I love this Jemma! I'm so happy to hear that you feel you've been making progress with this. The road to self-confidence and self-love is such a long one. It really is just a lot of tiny steps, one thing after the other. But it sounds like you're doing everything right. I love power poses too!

    Can't wait to hear about your adventures at the upcoming blogging event :)

    x Kathryn
    Through the Thicket

  14. It's good to be nice to yourself and others. I wish more people would smile here, sometimes when I', going through a rough patch, I smile at others and get nothing in return... it just reminds of those things you'd hear when you were young, (or on tumblr) reminding you to always smile at people because you don't know if it's the smile they need that day.

    I'm excited for your journey! It's nice to watch people walk this road!


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