Q&A: Blogging, Life, etc.

Hello lovelies! Hope everyone is having an awesome weekend and your first week of June has been a great one. I wanted to do a little bit of a 'Get to know me' type post, but had no idea where to start; so I took to Twitter this week and asked you lot! I was willing to answer anything personal, blogging, boring or random; and you threw 'em at me with gusto! :) So if you have any interest in getting to know me a little further, keep reading...


What's your favourite ever of your posts?
Ooh! Just one?! Oh god. There are so many personal and important ones, but I'll just go with this one. It's fun, cute, creative and a DIY which is my fave type of post!

What are your personal favourite methods/platforms/tips for gaining and keeping a loyal blog following?
Twitter is by far my biggest source of new followers, so I'd recommend being very active on there. Take part in the many weekly blogger chats available, and talk to lots of other bloggers. As for keeping a following? No idea! Just be honest, friendly and thoughtful :)

What do you find toughest about blogging? 
The amount of work needed to make your blog grow can be hard, but I guess that's only if you care about it growing; which I do. I don't mind putting the work in though, because it makes me so happy.

What is your blogging set up? 
I work from my laptop and carry that all around the flat with me haha. Whether I'm slobbing on the couch, in bed, or working away at my desk. I have my camera always charged and ready (Canon Rebel 550D) and I like to use my white desk as a background most of the time. I have a bunch of post it notes, spreadsheets and notebooks all for my blogging needs too.


If you could re-live a memory as many times as you wanted at the touch of a button, what memory would you choose?
This is so incredibly hard. Something with my Dad, but which memory?! I guess... when we took a big family holiday to Cyprus when I was a teenager, because the whole family was there and he was so happy. I'd give anything for one last hug.

How can I make my wardrobe more colourful without looking like I've been slapped by a rainbow?
Haha! Start with accessories, plenty of 'em! Then work in some prints in your wardrobe. Even if you aren't wanting lots of obvious bright colours, you can find beautiful pops of colour from clothing with a pretty print on it! :) I always funk up even boring outfits with cute accessories, shoes, bags!

How do you get your hair so vibrant?
Haha, I bleach it using Jerome Russell Bleaching kits, then wait until it goes orangey/blonde. Then I dye it with Directions 'Flamingo Pink' :) I can't really recommend a shampoo or conditioner right now for vibrancy, but the Lee Stafford collection for hair growth is amazing!

Have you ever read a book/seen a film that changed how you see things in life?
Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind. It both makes me fall in love with it and breaks my heart everytime I watch it. It made me realise how perfectly precious memories/relationships are and how fragile everything is. It's so amazing; I definitely recommend you go watch it.

Something about you most people don't know?
I have Trypophobia, I'm obsessed with serial killers, I spoke French in my Spanish GCSE exam and met my boyfriend through Tumblr.

What are your goals for 2015?
You can find a lot of them here, but mostly just to be happy and stay inspired.

Your favourite thing about yourself?
My creativity. It makes me feel good.


Favourite flavour of ice cream?
Mint chocolate chip or Cookie Dough.

Would you rather have feet for hands or hands for feet?
Hands for feet! Imagine how much I'd get done then, haha.

If you could be any celebrity for one day, who would you be?
Kristen Stewart, I freakin' love her. I both want to be her and kiss her.

If you could invite 4 famous people to a dinner party, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
Kristen Stewart, Eminem, Caitlin Moran, Brody Dalle. Oh my jesus christ what a dinner party it would be!

What super power would you have and what would you do with it!?
Easy; Invisibility! Oh my lord I would steal from big evil businesses and give to the poor, like a modern Robin Hood. Also I am counted in that group of poor, haha. Also I would play tricks on people I don't like, mwhaha. Yes I know I sound about 7 years old right now. I would also sneak into gigs and events I really wanna go to!

Would you rather speak any language or speak to animals?
Speak to animals, of course! Luna and I would have some dead good chats ;)

Hope this reveals a little more about the dork behind this blog.
Thanks for reading!
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  1. Oh Jemma! Your speaking French in a Spanish exam made me laugh so much! I did German at school and in my exam all I can remember is that they asked me to give directions to the Post Office! Not quite as hilarious... ;)

    Chelsea xx
    Love in Modern Life

  2. Love this! was nice getting to know more about you xo

  3. This is such a great post! It's nice to learn a little more about you ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  4. Love these kinds of posts, I'm so nosey hehe! Cookie dough ice cream all the way :)

    Sarah :)
    Saloca in Wonderland

  5. Great post! I always love when blogger connect with their readers. I also agree with twitter being the best way <3

    Angie x | Chocolate & Lipstick || UK Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

  6. That sounds like the craziest dinner party of people.
    I'd be both scared & fascinated to attend & see the results.
    Very interesting answers. xo
    -Cory U | Cory U

  7. Love this post! I want to connect with other bloggers and I had no idea there were Twitter meet ups! Do you have any tips on how to find them or what they are called?

    Thanks! xoxox

  8. Great read! Being invisible to sneak into events is genius!

  9. I fully regret googling what that phobia was now....


Thank you so much for reading! I'd love to know what you thought :)

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