Making Paper Chains

*Apologies for the terrible photos! :( I didn't have my usual camera available at the time.

Merry Christmas everyone! I feel confident I can say that now, with Christmas being a mere 8 days away. Have you all been enjoying your advent calenders? I keep forgetting about mine..

Anyway, I've been really trying to get into the Christmas spirit, as you may have realised from my recent posts. In this festive frenzy, I've rediscovered my childhood love for making paper chains! So easy and pretty, and a solution to not having many decorations in your new home.. if you may need it like me :]

I've been chopping away at magazines and various pretty papers, creating an eclectic array of loops to hang all over the walls. Old issues of Frankie magazine have been particularly good to me. I thought I'd share my creation with you guys and hopefully inspire you to make your own. Make your inner child happy!

Have you been getting excited for Christmas? :]

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  1. So cute! I remember making these in elementary school to decorate the class and I loved them and thought they were so much fun :)


    1. Haha, I loved making them! Felt like a kid again lol ^__^ xx

  2. Used to love making paper chains, they looks so lovely too :)

    Pams Stuff and Things

  3. I remember making these when I was a child as well! They look so cute, I may make some - I never did it with old magazines though, that's such a good idea, I want to give it a try!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty Blog

  4. These are awesome! I love paper chains all year round! My only problem is that I know I'll make a mess if I craft one, and the place is already a disaster. And let's be honest, I won't clean up the new mess, either . . . Oh the struggle is real.

    Also, I have nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award! (Hopefully you haven't been nominated for this one already.) You can get more information here, And I really hope you get the chance to do it. I'd love to read yours. =-)

    1. Aww thanks Rebekah! <3

      Haha, I'm quite messy but I loved making these! ^__^ xx

  5. I always make paper chain! It's a family tradition and I just think the walls look bare without them

  6. I really should make paper chains for my room some year!


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