Friday Five 4#

We've already done four of these? Holy batman time sure does whizz by quickly! I bloody love doing these weekly posts now, I hope you guys are enjoying them as something a little different. It's a chance for me to get out some info I might not necessarily in a blog post on it's own, and I also give shout outs to awesome blogs every week, which feels so good! So here's this weeks Friday Five...

Five things you might not know about me;

1. I'm quite morbid and think about death a lot. Kind of fascinating.
2. I'm an Atheist.
3. I had Pneumonia as a kid and had to be hospitalised for a while.
4. I believe happiness is the most important thing in life.
5. The only colour I don't like is brown (apart from on hair!).

Five names I wish were mine;

1. Luna
2. Willow
3. Violet
4. Alex
5. Autumn (yes really).

Five things that inspire me;

1. Organising things (especially my planner).
2. Chilled playlists.
3. Collaging.
4. Reading blogs.
5. Night time.

Five games I love;

1. Zelda (mostly on the DS).
2. The Sims
3. Super Mario (the older the better).
4. The Walking Dead (I won't play this -scared- but love watching Gary play haha!)
5. Plants VS Zombies.

Five blogs worth visiting NOW;


How's your Friday going? :)
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  1. I think about death quite a lot, too, so high five on that, Jemma! Also, Autumn is a name I wish I have, too, alongside Ruth, haha. I'm loving your consistency on these posts because I love reading them!

    May | THE MAYDEN

    1. Hahaha, we're weird and morbid! <3 Aww you are always so so sweet, thank you! xx

  2. Making collages inspires me - definitely the reason i love pinterest so much x

    Abi | abistreetx

    1. Yay for collages! I absolutely love them! xx

  3. This is such a good idea for a post, I love the name Luna, its so pretty!! I agree with the organising and night time ones too xx

  4. Oh how I love to play the sims! I figured as I got older I would eventually stop liking the game so much but nope! I still get lost in the game for hours. Love these posts! :)

    Renee | Lose The Road

    1. Haha I could play the Sims for houuuurs still! Hehe. Thanks lovely! xx

  5. Those are such beautiful names! I love this idea :)
    Hattie //

  6. YES to Super Mario AND Zelda, such a fan! Love these posts! XO -Kim

  7. I love watching Ed play scary games but won't play them myself either aha and the name Autumn is super pretty xx

  8. Luna is a beautiful name! Can see why you named your kitty cat after it! I remember how happy you were when she first used the litter tray, took me back to when my lot first used their tray, haha! I digress!

    Thanks for mentioning my blog dear!



  9. You really should give The Walking Dead game a try! Scares the beejeesus out of me, especially because I have to wear a headset and my Mr loves nothing more than sneaking into the room and scaring me when the game is at it's most intense part!

    Sarah :)
    Saloca in Wonderland

  10. Someone has asked me to crochet a brown elephant and I'm feeling very: meh about it! I've always liked January as a name(my birthday month)!
    Love Hayley,
    Water Painted Dreams

  11. What a lovely post! I love organizing, too ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  12. Oh! I'm such a big fan of collaging! ;) It's great to know we have a beautiful hobby like that in common. <3
    Much love.
    ~ Sanjana


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