Friday Five 5#

Five things that made me happy this week;

1. Shopping with Gary for 'homey' stuff.
2. Doing some cute blog DIY's.
3. Making some cute stuff to go on my Etsy store (soon!)
4. Getting some pretty awesome blogger mail.
5. Rediscovering music and podcasts on my walk to/from work.

Five favourite Disney characters;

1. Ariel.
2. Aurora/Briar Rose.
3. Maleficent.
4. Ursula the sea witch.
5. Rapunzel.

Five things I want to do before the year is up;

1. Continue making more for my Etsy store.
2. Get one or two more social media clients.
3. Go self employed.
4. Meet as many other bloggers as I can.
5. Take a trip somewhere (in the UK still).

Five random things this week;

1. I got asked to be on 'Come Dine With Me' (I said no!).
2. I've tried to avoid heat & embrace natural hair. (Hello wavey, frizzy mane).
3. I've started organising all the junk in my office (possible post soon).
4. I'm feeling really happy, but also anxious about how quickly time passes.
5. I purposely spoiled Pretty Little Liars for myself (and don't regret it).

Five blogs/people that are fucking awesome;


Want some more awesome blogs to check out? I have a bunch of lovelies in my sidebar! Just there > Over to the right. Yep, you got it. You're welcome ;)

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1 comment

  1. I LOVE THAT YOU GOT ASKED TO GO ON COME DINE WITH ME 😂 that did warrant caps locks!
    Bee xxx


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