August Advertisers

August is shaping up to be the month of changes for me, mostly great! But that doesn't stop me feeling excited to have September here, when Autumn will be rolling in properly and I can enjoy my favourite season of the year.
I've had some really wonderful guests on my sidebar this month; you know the kind of advertisers you really hope for? I'm blessed to be able to say these kind folk have been a great support to me, and also have some fab reads for you guys to check out! So if you fancy finding something new to read, stick around and let me tell you all about them!

Ali Caitrin
Ali is someone who has advertised before on this blog, and someone who I now consider a friend. She's a wonderful, kind hearted soul; always looking to make others smile, and a firm favourite of mine on Twitter too. Ali's is a lifestyle blog that features a little everything of what she loves, mostly books! If you're a bookworm like me, then you'll love popping by to see what Ali's been reading, or wanting to read! Sharing her views on issues she cares about and snippets of her life, you can't help but get swept up in her blog and feel you've found a lovely new online home! Thank you Ali for choosing to advertise with me again, it's such a pleasure to have you!

I'm so excited for this one! Meet Rebekah; my most creative and artistic addition to the sidebar this month for sure. Rebekah's blog is a huge source of inspiration; with a whole range of painting, sketchbook and photography posts amongst others to feel inspired by. Rebekah is a talented blogger sharing her creative experiments as she goes, and one I have bookmarked for when I need motivation for my own creative attempts. I would love you guys to pop over and pay her a visit. And a huge thank you to Rebekah for choosing to hang around my sidebar this month, so happy to have you!

Kirsty Ralph
Kirsty! Ahh lovely Kirsty. This gal is another one who has advertised with me before, and it's so lovely to have her back again. The great thing is, I feel like I'm getting to promote my fave blogger friends, and it's such a treat. If you don't already know, Kirsty's blog is a lifestyle one where she chats about music (she has good taste, check out her playlists!), films, TV, books and her life. She also interviews others and has a yummy food section on her blog too. There's bound to be something each of you guys will love! Big thanks for Kirsty for always being so lovely to me, she's made me feel so welcomed in the blogging community.

Wishes, Hopes and Dreams
I can't believe I'm saying this again, but Fiona is another blogger who has chosen to advertise with me more than once; yay! I couldn't be happier Fiona is back because there are so many things I have to thank her for. She is always 1000% supportive of everything Dorkface, she is helpful and sweet, always there for a chat whenever I've needed, welcomed me into the blogging community with open arms and gave me a great friendship I'm so lucky to have. This sneaky one even keeps asking me to come to London for a little meet up with her and other lovely bloggers in December; to which I'm desperately hoping I can go to! *Fingers crossed* Anyway, sorry for rambling! I just have plenty of love for this lady. Her blog is absolutely awesome, and definitely worth a visit! Beauty, lifestyle, music, food, books & much more; what's not to love?!? Thank you Fiona once again for being so awesome, I'm happy to have you back on my sidebar!

The Small Things of Life
H from over at TSTOL is such a sweetheart who has been gracing my Twitter and blog feed regularly, spreading some positivity and support wherever she goes! TSTOL is a blog dedicated to sharing snippets of her life, photography and much more. This is a new blog, and the dedication she is already putting in is so amazing, I'd love everyone to go support it! Let's welcome her into this lovely blogging community and show how nice it can be. Thanks so much for being part of my August advertisers darling, it's lovely to have you!

Little Miss Katy.
AKA Explosions Of Happiness (Okay that sounded a bit orgasm like, soz) or Little Brilliant Katy, or Katy is FAB. Okay, whatever. You get the point. This little flower is one of the best bloggers out there, for reals. Yep, I'm saying it. Katy's blog is a huge collection of lifestyle, fashion, happy things, food, and all the little adventures she gets up to! Never have I seen a blog with such personality; and not only because of that banging, colourful theme either. No, Katy expresses her personality with every post, and shares brilliantly honest writing that is a joy to read. Thank you for always being such a bloody good inspiration to me, and joining my sidebar this month.

Can you believe how AWESOME August's advertisers are? I hope you can all find something you love and check out all their new blog posts :)
Have the best day ever guys!
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