15 Things This Week

1. I tried a shot that was called 'Birthday Cake'; and yep it tasted like birthday cake. It was weird, but not bad.

2. I served the nicest old couple who complimented my tattoos and asked about them with genuine interest (and no judgement, which is rare).

3. Someone new has started in work and she's really nice, so that's cool.

4. I've pretty much planned my Halloween outfit, and I'm beyond excited for this.

5. Actually I've also planned our 'Autumn decor', that's how excited I am for Autumn.

6. I've enjoyed the rain so much this week; colouring, pj days, dark clouds, hats, umbrellas. I love it.

7. Gary and I both watched The Lizzie Maguire Movie for the first time together. We laughed at how cringey it was. Also I knew Paulo would end up being a tit.

8. I drunk Periscoped, and I'm still embarrassed.

9. I started reading Tina Fey's 'Bossypants' - I don't know why it's taken me so long, because I've loved her for years.

10. I'm thoroughly enjoying taking a break from certain responsibilities. Cutting down my schedule was seriously needed.

11. I've been browsing trips to London for November. I hope to spend a night or two there and meet some other bloggers! (Bloody expensive though).

12. I genuinely walked into a bar and said, 'Ooh it's so Instagram in here!' to my friends judgement. Fuck you Alex, I knew that photo would get a load of likes.

13. I've gotten a bunch of cute stuff in the mail this week, yay! Kawaii4lyf.

14. I've started a new mini art project, and I'm really excited about it!

15. I've got blog events this month and next month, yay! I'll be covering both on here, so keep an eye out.

How's your week been? :)

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  1. It sounds like you've had a really busy week, they're always the best ones!


  2. That is so lowly the little old couple happily chatted away about your tattoos, it's rare but so lovely when something like that happens.
    I'm also super agreeing with you on the whole "instagrammable location" situation! ❤️
    Bee xxx

    1. I knooooow I love when older people are accepting! Im always on the hunt for Instagrammable places hehe xx

  3. I love this. Makes you appreciate all the little things that happen in life that you could easily brush over and forget.

    I hope to be one of those old couples one day, so cute!

    I completely 100% recommend using Airbnb for your London trip. We had the same problem a few months ago where the hotel prices were just ridic! Beings as we were out most the day, a place to rest our heads and have a shower was all we needed. If that's all you will need too, I seriously recommend it! I wrote about it here if that helps? - naturallybeige.com/2015/05/staying-in-an-airbnb-room/


    1. Thank you!! Ive read your post and I will definitely consider it! <3

      I do love writing things down from my week like this, itll be nice to look back on! xx

  4. Haha I have had that birthday cake shot before - its so weird! I used to love trying all the flavours in Revs... Aw.
    And I said a cafe was "very Instagram" to mother disgust the other day... haha

    Uncia and Tigris

  5. Busy week! But I'm super excited about the London bit! Though my November is filling up wayyy fast!

    Rach // illustrated-teacup.blogspot.co.uk


    1. Haha really? Youll have to let me know when is best for you and ill try my best to sort it! xx

  6. Gurrrrrl, if you come to London you definitely need to let me know when, as we MUST meet!

    Meg | A Little Twist Of…

  7. I love this post, and everything about your blog, Jemma. I totally need to ready that book! I've said 'this would be such a cute background' twice this week and my bf just eyeballed me haha.

    Sarah x

    1. Awwww thank you so so much Sarah!! <3 That means a lot. xx

  8. Sounds like a great week :) I love rainy days ( by far my favorite) and i'm also getting super excited for the fall! I live for Halloween!

    Renee | Lose The Road

  9. What a lovely post! I love rain, too, and I'm beyond excited for autumn ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  10. Love posts like this. Sounds like a lovely week, I am a lover of rainy days too x


  11. What an adorable list <3 I still remember the Lizzie McGuire movie from when I was a kid and I still hate Paulo haha
    She Will Be

  12. I'm in the process of planning out my Autumn bedroom décor too! I'm trying to decide between cozy & muted or heavy vampish with burgundy haha

    Lauren x

  13. It sounds like you have had a really enjoyable and positive week! It's always nice to go to a place that is suited for Instagram :) xx


  14. awwz you had a great week even tho it was alot thing about doing those again anytime soon?

    Nique || www.2nbeauty.blogspot.com xo

  15. Definitely come to London!!! :D Birthday cake shot sounds both awesome and disgusting. I can't believe you've planned your Halloween outfit! I'm such a scrooge when it comes to fancy dress, I just don't like it.

    Emma x
    Writing Essays With Wine

  16. This post <3
    Lizzie McGuire was a childhood fave of mine :') and Halloween is also my fave, you're so organised! :')


  17. I love when older people admire my tattoos/piercings/hair. It doesn't happen very often with their generation, but when it does.... It's magical!


  18. I love the enthusiasm for Autumn and Halloween - I am already excited! - Tasha

  19. You know, I do love old people sometimes, they just are so interested in life and its fascinating to here the stories return I find!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  20. Sounds like you've had a great week! I'm also really excited for autumn- glad those 2 weeks of summer are over with haha!
    Michelle x

  21. Love these kinds of posts :) Sounds like you've had quite the week!

    Lauren | http://xlaurenslifex.blogspot.co.uk/

  22. I absolutely love the Birthday Cake shot! Baa Berry is my next favourite haha :) I love this type of post, they're fun to read! xx

  23. It is weird how liquor is tasting like dessert now. Birthday cake sounds delicious but.. as a shot?! Idk haha

  24. Sounds like a lubbly jubbly week :) I can't decide if the birthday cake shot sounds delicious or too sickly! x

  25. I quite like this kind of post, a little life update. Definitely interested in trying the birthday cake shot :)


  26. It's so instagram haha that's such a cute phrase!


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