Blog Worries

Let me begin by saying that this isn't a post I planned on writing. It's something I'm feeling right now, and something I often feel; which I don't think I've ever wrote about on here before. But I often have a few worries which stem from this blog, and I'd like to talk about them.

Having this blog has changed my life completely, no exaggeration.
It's changed my whole outlook, my mental health state, my creativity, my career, my friends and my overall happiness. It always, always brings me joy and I can't tell you enough how much that hasn't once changed, regardless of the things I'm about to mention. I just want you guys to know that.

I often worry about how I'm coming across on this blog; to you right there, behind that screen. I worry that I make spelling and grammar mistakes and look like an idiot. I worry that you think my content is boring. I worry if I do a sponsored post, that you won't know of the effort and hours I put into it. I worry that I'm not expressing myself as I wish I could. I worry that my personality is not bursting out of this blog like I want it to. I worry that you'll never know how much it means to me that someone bothers to read the words I put out there.

Even now, I can't quite put into words the feelings I'm having at the moment which I want to express, and I feel like a failure as a writer. I've literally just finished reading Zoe's post, and it left me kind of amazed that she could feel a bit down about her blog lately. Because every single post of hers inspires me, makes me laugh, makes me smile, fills me with wonder, gets me daydreaming or simply reminds me what I want my own blog to be like. I admire her writing more than anything, as her words are always so passionate and beautiful. I hope to god I can do that one day.

It got me thinking; if someone as awesome as Zoe can be feeling a little down about her blog and it leaves me quite shocked (because her posts are nothing less than perfect to me to be honest), what would people find surprising about the girl behind THIS blog? The answer is probably my worries. I always try to keep my blog (and social media for that matter) perky, full of joy and as positive as can be. So you guys probably don't even realise the constant worrying or over thinking I do in regards to blog posts.

I care so much about truly expressing myself, and making every single post as good as I can. Yes, even the little Tsum Tsum posts! I just wanted you guys to realise though that people aren't always as they might seem on their blog. As obvious as that lesson might be; I do think we all need reminding of it every now and again.

So yes, I'm a worrier. I'd just like you all to know that.
Now here's to hitting publish even though I'm worried this post is awful and makes no sense.

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  1. I feel exactly the same 80% of the time... You know why? I'm human and so are you and so is Zoe! It's natural to feel this way when you care about something... The moment you stop worrying, that's the moment you stop caring and actually the moment you should just STOP!



  2. This post not only makes perfect sense but also resonates a LOT with me. My readership is only small but I still worry so much about how it's taken. Your blog is an absolute delight. It's colourful, fun and interesting. Just like you. Try not to worry too much xx

  3. Well done for hitting publish, there's absolutely nothing wrong with this post and it makes perfect sense :)

  4. Jemma this just makes me want to cuddle you! I wanted you to know that while you worry about your content compared to Zoe, I worry about my content compared with blogs like yours so this post really resonated with me! Please don't worry because I adore your blog! x

  5. I feel the same all the time I feel no one reads my blog I also feel that no one wants to talk to me on Twitter I wonder what they think about me. I love your blog it inspires me so much I have to sign into Twitter every morning just to see if you've put up a new post even if I don't comment on every post I still read ever post.

  6. I 100% get where you're coming from, I think we can all have doubt sometimes but you absolutely don't need to, I love the creative originality of your blog.

    Victoria x | Toria Annabelle

  7. Look, I follow you. On FEEDLY. Which is the reader I actually check. Do you know how many blogs I follow on there that I'm not following to pin pro photos off of or for design advice? Because it's like, maybe ten. Obviously you're doing something right, and my opinion is the only one that counts.

    THAT SAID, honestly, I get you. A lot of the time I'm thinking, "man, I only end up posting boring updates about my life, who CARES. I must produce more helpful content!" And part of that is using my blog as a marketing tool for my business and part of that is holding myself up to a different standard now - I still want to tell life stories, but I want them to be occasional and well-crafted, not just "oh she's struggling with depression still, and talking about it AGAIN." Like how many times can I say I'm failing to keep up my self-imposed schedule or to write posts and whatnot?

    See, I try so hard. I've blocked a lot of trolls. But I know some people still only see this angry, entitled, wants-everything-handed-to-her-on-a-plate, thinks-she-knows-everything-but-knows-nothing, full-of-herself, gonna-fall-flat-on-her-face asshole and it BUGS. It bugs. (Mostly it bugs that they're wrong and offensive simultaneously but sometimes it hurts too.)

  8. Awwww hun it's normal to worry about your content, shows how passionate you are about it. You should be worrie if you don't worry about it! This makes perfect sense and as the comments are showing resonates with us all and as always you've executed everyone's feelings perfectly! Your blog is, wow, amazing, fantastic, brilliant... ALL THE ADJECTIVES!

  9. You slay the internet girl, your blog is by far one of the best ones out there. In fact, it's hard to be proud of my blog sometimes when I look at how much effort you put into everything. The world is your oyster and your blog is a perfect replica of your bubbly personality and warm heart.

    Huge hugs from the South.

    Amy xo

  10. I feel the exact same way. I started blogging to improve my writing but I love doing it. I just don't know of others like what I do or publish etc.

    I love your blog because it's the sort of posts I wish I was doing. I wish I was as creative as you are but I'm me and you're you. God this comment is not making sense.

    Basically I agree and look forward to being an advertiser in this corner of the Internet.

    Fiona xx | Wishes, Hopes and Dreams

  11. Awwww I love your posts they always make me smile. I know how you feel but you're doing great so try not to worry too much :-)


  12. I know how you feel, and I think it's completely that you feel it. I can tell just from the initial picture that I see on Bloglovin' how much effort you put in, and it's inspiring!

    I often worry in the same way about my own blog. It's not super cute or pretty, my photos aren't great, and I don't have a posting schedule. When I feel down about it, I have to take a step back and remember my blog can't be my first priority, and for me, that makes me all the more prouder when I achieve something, whether it's taking photos, hitting 'Publish', or getting a comment. I think I've been following your blog for... Well, it's been well over a year, and I still get a lot of inspiration from it! Looking at your photos has improved how I take mine, reading your posts has reminded me to try and write creatively in mine -- and you don't mix up you're with your, so that's also a really good sign! XD

    Anyway, while I can understand that you might be worried, you shouldn't be! Your blog is great -- so many of us love it!

    Shae xo
    Diary of a Beauty Padawan

  13. FYI - you, your hair, your blog, your writing and your insanely cute kitty are all awesome :} xx

  14. First off, HUUUUUGGGEEEEEEE hug to you, Jemma.

    So this is what every blogger goes through, I'm sure. I've been seeing a upsurge of posts surrounding content and the worry associated with it, and you know what, it's okay! I feel the same way about MY posts and every time I publish something, I immediately just want to revert it back to draft because I constantly worry about whether my posts are good or not, and whether or not people will like it, understand it, feel inspired, feel thoughtful about them, and it scares the sh*t out of me.

    You're on a completely different scale, I understand, because your blog is quite huge and has a large following, and so I understand that the anxiety and worry that accompanies this large following is much bigger than I can understand, but I think you letting us know is the best thing you can do -- there is something real and something raw in what you did, and by showing it to us, that's something beautiful. So while you may worry, sometimes, try not to, because the work on your blog and its present state speaks for the amount of love we have for you AND your blog. You're awesome, your blog is awesome, so keep doing this Jemma, we'll be here to read what you post and appreciate the effort you've put into them.

    Cheers, and lots of love. <3

    May | THE MAYDEN

  15. Thanks for being open. I only post when I'm up. It leaves long gaps between my posts sometimes. Still 'up' is what my readers expect. Sometimes I have plenty to write then I dry up as my life fills with drudgery and problems.

  16. All the feels! I'm absolutely with you here. I've sat staring at my computer this morning for 2 hours thinking, what's the point? People are going to criticise and pull it apart...and I don't take rejection very well as it is.
    I love my blog but I understand how you feel when you think about your personality coming through, whether your content is good enough etc etc.
    Hopefully this is just a phase.
    You do have an amazing blog. One of my favourites that is so genuine in what is now a new world of blogging. Keep smiling.
    All the hugs.

    Becky @ BKYStewart ~ Eclectic Lifestyle Blog

  17. Don't worry Jemma! We all feel like this sometimes but your blog is wonderful. Your content and photos are amazing and I feel like I know you even though we have never met xx

  18. Jemma, I love your blog, it's beautiful and so are you. As a newbie, I didn't realise I'd get so attached to my blog, I genuinely feel grateful that people, no matter how little, take time out of their lives to see what I have written, me? Why me? And then when they comment, it's the icing on top, they read it and they had something to say, it's awesome. We all feel this way, thanks for sharing :)

    Sarah x

  19. I think everyone worries about their blog.
    But to be honest most people will support you.
    The truth of the matter is that you can't impress everyone.
    A lot of people have the same worries as teenagers etc and on facebook etc.


  20. We all feel that way, I feel this way a lot. Don't worry your blog is great and it's inspiring. There will always be that one person you can't please, it happens. Just know that your blog is making an impact in a special way!


  21. I think realistically we all feel a little worried, I know I'm still quite nervous when I post - I mean who's really reading my posts? if anyone is? x

  22. You have no need to worry, I say as a worrier myself! your blog, content, Twitter can never be mistaken for anyone else except you! Because you really do out so much effort and love into it all!

  23. Even I, as a person who's just started her blog (7 posts that far I guess), can relate to this feelings. It's also the how do I entertain people like all these talented bloggers can issue. I feel like I am not good enough for anyone to actually read my posts and that I'm rubbish. So we're all like that. But coming back to your blog, I am here for the first time and I'm definitely staying here, so no worries, you're doing a good job! :)



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