Life Lately

So this is what life lately looks like according to Instagram...

1. Cute nail varnishes I ordered from China on Ebay! I've been Ebay obsessed lately since I discovered just how cheap all of the lovely kawaii products are on there. I'm constantly getting cute mail, and it's awesome.

2. I actually had an Instagram worthy breakfast for once! Woah. Actually, it's weird I even had breakfast. I've been trying to make healthier choices lately. Sometimes I do well, other times I don't...(see 5).

3. My little baby is growing so quick! I just wish she wouldn't jump on my head so much, lol.

4. Dumbo! My latest Tsum Tsum purchase is a cutie. I'll do another Tsum update post when I have a few more to show you guys :)

5. It is officially Summer, because I had a Twister lolly ice.

6. Eeep, selling cards! A little beauty recently purchased some cards from my Etsy store, even though I forgot I was selling them! I've been so focused on designs for people for the past month or so, but I look forward to creating some cute cards again soon.

7. I bought a wig! Working somewhere that sells them was far too tempting to not get one at some point. Also I haven't had blue hair in a few years and this was a great chance to test it out... I likey.

8. Bit by bit we're making the flat a cuter and prettier home for ourselves, and it makes me so happy to see it coming along! One day when we're completely done I'll show lots of photos.

9. I went to a blog meal with some other Liverpool/North West bloggers not too long ago, and it was awesome! I also finally got to meet Sarah (pictured) who was just lovely! Can't wait until the next one.

Apart from that I've just been exhausted. Someone suddenly quit in the place I work, and so I was begged to do overtime. I don't need it, but I felt bad saying no. So I've been doing lots of extra shifts and I can't see it slowing anytime soon. Ahh well, extra money is good obviously. I just hope to actually get some time to chill out soon, haha!

How about you guys, what have you been up to lately?

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  1. Lovely post and lovely Instagram photos I am really looking forward to blogging about my cards I brought from you !!! And looking forward to buying more stuff on etsy ounces is out.

  2. I'm trying to convince my fiance to buy me tsum tsums! Xox

  3. Colourful and cute as always, Jemma! Ebay is wonderful for cheap adorable products! Are those varnishes any good? x

    Martha Jane |

  4. Awh it was so so lovely to finally meet you :) can't wait for the next meet up! I need to get some of those tsum tsums they're so cute!

    Sarah :)

  5. I love instagram posts like this. :3
    Seems like you've been having a good time. :)
    Your cat is so cute, I love seeing pictures of little Luna (not so small anymore).
    Also I am kind of jealous that you have been to so many blogger meet ups :_


  6. Your photos are so cute!!! The sneak peaks of your flat are already looking too adorable for words~ Can't wait to see the rest of your place <3
    She Will Be

  7. That little Dumbo is the cutest little thing ever haha! x

  8. I love all of your photos! That nail polish is so cute ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  9. I just needed to stop by here and say HOW MUCH I LOVE THAT BLUE WIG ON YOU! I thought you'd dyed it, but the fact that that's a wig is just even better. Also, Luna. I don't need to say many more words than that - she's just the cutest everrrr xx

  10. I've somehow done fantastically well to resist buying so many tsum tsums, but I think the time has come to convince everyone in my life that they're all I need.

    Beka. xo

  11. Looks like a lovely time you've had recently. I love the blue wig, such a bright colour! Your little kitty is so adorable, I'm hoping to adopt my own kitten soon.

    Emma x
    Writing Essays With Wine


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