Baymax and Dumbo Tsum Tsums

disney baymax dumbo tsum tsum Did you ever see a pair as cute as this? Meet Baymax and Dumbo; the latest addition to my Tsum Tsum collection! I thought I'd share these on the blog today, as I've really been enjoying sharing my Tsum Tsum love on here. I think I'm gonna make it a regular thing every 2 weeks or so, sharing my new Tsum Tsum additions with you guys.

disney dumbo tsum tsum

disney baymax tsum tsum

I'll be honest with you guys, I'm not buying these in any particular order either. I'm just browsing and seeing which cute little faces appeal to me in the moment. Ariel was the one I wanted more than anything, and now that I have her I'm happy to just pick and choose random Tsums from now on.

I have actually ordered another FOUR, which I'll share on here in around two weeks after they've arrived and settled in with the rest of the gang.

I really hope you guys like me sharing my new little collection with you, as I really love posting about them! Let me know in the comments?

Thanks guys!

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  1. Dumbo is ADORBS, so is Baymax look at that lil face <3
    Love Vicki |

  2. Baymax is too cute!! I do the same with my pop figures, if it's cute I want to own it no matter what

  3. BAYMAX I ADORE THEE. Seriously, I love the little dude. So cute.

    Meg | A Little Twist Of…

  4. I'm tempted to steal your idea & post regularly about my tsum tsums if u don't mind? It may make me feel better about the EXCESSIVE amount I've spent on them in the past 2 months if it's 'for the blog' *guilty overspending face*

  5. Dumbo is so cute! I love your collection of tsum tsum :D

  6. Oh my! This is seriously making me wish I'd picked up a Tigger tsum tsum during my recently Disney store visit. They're so cute!!! x

  7. They're very cute! What exactly are Tsum Tsums?

    Renee | Lose The Road

  8. I need baymax =]

  9. Ohh my gosh, these are just SO cute. I want them all, and a few more haha.

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  10. BUT I'M CRYING A LITTLE AT THE CUTENESS OF THIS?! Baymax and Dumbo are my favourites (aside from Marie cat, obvs) and omg, these are TOO CUTE. Your collection is too adorable. And four more?! Omg!

    May | THE MAYDEN

  11. I just want them ALL! I know I'm going to have to buy at least one, and I'll have to get my bro a Nightmare Before Christmas one when they appear, but I can't decide on which one I want for myself! The cuteness! Overload!

    Sarah :)
    Saloca in Wonderland

  12. I honestly want all the Tsum Tsums in my life right now <3 <3 <3 Everytime I go to the mall I dash to the Disney store and admire all of them! I might as well live there haha~
    She Will Be

  13. I love this series Jemma! I really wanna get some now xx


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