Taking A Step Back

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Woah, woah, woah. Before you think this is about blogging or that I'm going somewhere soon, It's not, I'm not. Sorry for the foreboding title. But I have had to reassess everything lately and shift my priorities a little. This is definitely a good thing though.

As most of you may know, I started taking custom design orders a month or so ago; creating artwork and various designs for whatever you guys needed, and it's been amazing. I'm SO glad I've started doing this because it makes me so happy, and keeps me creative. I won't lie it's also been SO flattering that anyone wants my work, especially since I've been booked up for weeks without even really trying to. I'm not showing off, PLEASE don't take it that way. I'm just acknowledging I've been incredibly lucky, and I'm so grateful.

However, I started taking on so much that it's taken up all of my time. I started letting my blogging schedule slide a little. I haven't had a chance to reply to blog comments at all (which makes me feel awful), I was putting out 2 or 3 posts a week instead of my usual 5 (I know this is a lot but I love it) and have I had time to even visit my favourite blogs at all? Have I HELL. I've been surviving on minimum sleep, going to work, coming home and designing for people. It doesn't help that I can get so picky with my own work too, because if something doesn't look perfect to me, I scrap it and start over. I want to do such a good job for people. 

So eventually I got to the point where I realised I was exhausted, and hadn't given myself time for other projects, and my blog, which I really want to work on. So a decision had to be made, and it's nothing huge, but it is important. I'm currently finishing off any designs I still have on my to-do list, and after that I'm taking a little break. Only about 2 weeks, 3 at most, but yes; a break! I'm so in need of time to myself, time to evaluate, to feel inspired, to play, to experiment and to make mistakes. I need that downtime. I have a project that is really important to me that I've wanted to work on for months, and I hope to finally go for it.

Anyway, before this post gets too long; here's the lowdown.
I'm taking a break from design orders for 2 or 3 weeks.
I'm going to be blogging more again, yay!
I'm going to make time for myself.
Sleep is important yo.

I look forward to creating more in this little dorky space I call my own. 
I hope you guys are as excited as I am!

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  1. You should always take time for yourself :) Love your designs too x
    Emma | Emmys Beauty Cave

  2. You scared me haha! I think that's perfect acceptable to let your schedule slide a little, afterall it's your blog! I've been thinking about this lately and come to realise that what does it matter if I go away for a bit/don't blog as much/blog more? Hopefully you have a nice break and have some nice time to yourself! xx

    Sophie Elizabeth

  3. You definitely need that time out! Don't run yourself into the ground!!
    Chill out :)

    A Little Twist Of…

  4. Sleep is SO important. Taking so time for yourself can do the world of good. I had a little week off last week and now feel so much better xx

    Charlotte / Colours & Carousels

  5. Everyone needs that break now and then. Hope you get time to rest and enjoy your free time :)

    Pams Stuff and Things

  6. Sounds like you've had a lot on your plate! Enjoy your break and some chill time x


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. That's great that you're having some time off! I'm excited for your blog posts, I love reading them! Hope your break helps you get back on track with everything xx


  9. Take time away if that's what is best for you ^^ also when you go back in to it you'll be able to manage yourself better and know not to take on too much, it'll work out for the best 💕


  10. I can definitely relate to this! I'm so busy at the moment and my blog has moved right down to the bottom of the pile - sometimes other things have to take priority, especially you Jemma! I hope you get the chance to take a break, rest and get some time back - but it's not difficult to see why you've had so many bookings for your designs, they look amazing! - Tasha

  11. It's good that you're taking some time for yourself! Sometimes we get so trapped in work and things we "have" to do that we end up forgetting the main thing: our own comfort.
    So yeah, I hope you will find some space to relax and do your things :)
    Hugs ❤

  12. It's good that you're taking some time for yourself! Sometimes we get so trapped in work and things we "have" to do that we end up forgetting the main thing: our own comfort.
    So yeah, I hope you will find some space to relax and do your things :)
    Hugs ❤

  13. Honestly? If you're feeling even slightly overwhelmed and feel like time for yourself is slipping, you probably need to raise your prices a tad. Scary because it may decrease the amount of orders but you get paid more each time!

  14. SLEEP IS LIFE. Look after yourself sweetie, your talent is amazing! xx
    Love Vicki | victoriajanex.co.uk

  15. You're doing the right thing. There's no point in burning yourself out. Then you won't be able to do anything. If people want your designs bad enough they'll wait!

    Amanda @ www.gobookyourself.info

  16. Wow! You are so in need of a break, hun! An awesome break at that~ Take a nap, eat fancy chocolates, and watch cute Disney films <3
    She Will Be

  17. Woo, so important to take some time for yourself.

    Sarah | sarahinwonderland.co.uk

  18. Breaks are important! So happy for you that you are finding success with your art. That must be such a rewarding feeling. So inspiring! <3


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