My Blogging Routine

Over the past year and a half I've developed into my own routine for blogging, which works perfectly for me and my life. Of course sometimes routine simply goes out of the window, due to busy schedules, events or just life in general; that's fine. But mostly, I stick to the same daily/weekly routine for all things to do with this blog, which I find so useful and keeps me organised. So today I thought I'd share that with you all, to give you a little insight into the Dorkface way of working.

Quick note; I work 2 (sometimes 3) days a week part time, and on those days as I'm sure you'd expect; my routine is very different. I spend the day in work, come home, enjoy chill out time with Gary and maybe go on Twitter for a little while. It's pretty much a chillout zone though.

So anyway, on to how I spend most of my days;


I always wake up before 9am. I do try to get up by 7am most days, but sometimes I admit, It can be later. As much as I love sleep, I hate sleeping in because it makes me feel like I'm wasting the day and sends my whole routine out of whack. Coffee comes first, along with checking emails and notifications on social media. I'll be jotting down my daily to-do list, which puts everything in focus and helps me see what needs to get done.

I also manage social media for a number of clients, which means I always check their accounts in the mornings to see if they need to reply to anyone or address anything. Then I'll crack on planning out their social schedule for the next day or so.


By afternoon I'm well into writing out a blog post, keeping active on social media and trying to fit some chores in here somewhere. Sometimes I'll be taking photographs for a post, while I've got clothes in the washing machine, I'm snacking on some lunch and tidying around me as I go. I will stop for a little break around 1:30pm and give myself a proper dinner hour to chill out, watch Pretty Little Liars (no spoilers please!) and play with Luna. After that it's back to it though, crossing off as much on my to do list as possible. I try to take all my photographs between 11am-3pm as that's when I get some amazing light throughout the flat.

Around 3/4pm I'll take a break from all the typing and organisational side of things, by giving myself time to do something creative. Lately this has focused mostly on designs I've been doing for people, whether its a custom portrait or blog header, etc. I'll clear my desk, get the paints out and listen to a Spotify playlist as I go. This is one of my favourite parts of the day.


Around 6pm every night Gary and I will have dinner together and watch one of our favourite shows, usually How I Met Your Mother, Bob's Burgers or Friends. I'll also try to make it to a Twitter chat if I know there's one on that I like. Mostly we spend an hour or two together though doing nothing, which is lovely.

From 8pm onward it's all about ticking off the remaining items on my to-do list. I like to have completed at least one post each day, scheduled all my social media tweets, posts, etc for myself and my clients, and done some design work for people too.
This is the time when I update my spreadsheets too, to mark off what posts I've done, what needs doing and how my stats are looking. I got this idea from Hayley over at Tea Party Beauty, and it's helped me drastically improve my focus.

Yes I've blurred some upcoming post as I don't want to spoil the surprises haha!

As you can see I write down all my posts I plan to do for the next month or so, and I colour code where I am in completing each one. Green means I've fully completed it, wrote it, got my images and scheduled it. Yellow means I only have the photo, blue means I've wrote it but haven't gotten an image yet, and red means it's a no post day (even I need little breaks!).
I also have a separate sheet I use for all my stats such as daily visits, Bloglovin followers, Twitter followers, Instagram followers, etc.

I realise that's a lot, and probably seems way too much work for a lot of you reading this. But I've said before how passionate I am about my blog and how I want to improve in every way possible, so I enjoy treating it like a job. My theory is if I treat it like my job, one day it will be my job. Or at least lead me into the right direction...

After that, it's around 11pm, so I'll have a shower, maybe read my book, and then go to bed if I'm in work the next day. If I'm not in work then you can guarantee I'll be awake until at least 2am doing all sorts still :)

I hope this gave you guys some insight into my days, and maybe even suggested something you could do for your own blog? 
And before I go I would just like to say that YES Gary and I actually go out, do things, see friends etc, but I plan for these days ahead. This post was a representation of my typical day at home, but not every day :)

Thanks for reading!

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  1. Ah, I do love a good to do list. I get a bit too excited by spreadsheets like that which have it all plotted out! However, as blogging is more of a hobby to me and is very much part time, I tend to put all my obsessive organising into my work, and let the blog be more free. I really admire your work ethic though, as if I was home all the time for work, I think I'd struggle to focus! x

  2. Well done for being so organised Jemma! I wish I could have days like this but with two small children, school run and lots of house chores my time for blogging is only in the evening with an hour or so for taking pictures around midday :) x

    Mummy’s Beauty Corner

  3. Wow you are really organised - my blogging routine is much more sporadic! I do love to plan out blog posts though, I find that really helps me stay focused and not get lost about what posts I need to do next.

  4. Wow. Your blog schedule is very different to mine.
    I usually spend one day working on a few posts and the other days trying to interact with people. This post is like organisation goals. hahahaha


  5. I wish I could be organized like this with my blog! Only sometimes will I have a few posts planned out a couple of days ahead of time! Usually I just post on a whim.

    Renee | Lose The Road

  6. I always try to be so organized but I end up being a completely mess :(
    What I don't like is having a schedule post, because I prefer to write depending on my mood and because I always have new ideas. Of course I have a list of post to write when I'm in lack of ideas ahaha

  7. Wow that spreadsheet is so impressive. I just have a notebook where I write down my posts for each month then tick them off - your way is much more professional. I love that you treat it like a job though. With all the hard work you put into your blog, it should become your job one day. I've got my fingers crossed for you lovely!

    Beating Around the Blush

  8. Wow! Impressive organisation skills! I think the spreadsheet to do list is such a clever idea!


  9. That's a really great schedule and what I need to do - it's just biting the bullet and starting to work like this. Love the spreadsheet.

  10. This is such a good idea! My blog isn't big enough yet to need something this in-depth, but even the idea of it would be helpful for me planning out school work and design jobs I've been given -- Great Post!!


  11. Love the spreadsheet idea, I have a similar set up but done by hand with ticks and crossings out and scribbles all over it lol, certainly not as clean and clear as the spreadsheet, I'll have to give that a go! I love having a peek at how other bloggers organise their days!

    Sarah :)
    Saloca in Wonderland

  12. Love Bob's Burgers hilarious show! Really need to take a page out of your book with getting blogging done. I'm super behind on it.


  13. I started using the calendar on my macbook to plan my posts - which then updates my iphone, ipad and the website version so I can always change it or whatever when I'm out and about - made my life so much easier :)

  14. Being a food blogger means events come up at the last minute so often that I couldn't plan a month in advance, I really wish I could!

  15. Wow this is such a useful post Jemma! I've been trying to 'organise' myself more when it comes to blogging but I've had no idea where to start SO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS. Definitely going to start doing the spreadsheet thing... might as well get myself sorted over summer before The Final Year Of Doom...

    Fii xo || little miss fii

  16. This is such a great post! I really need to get more structure in my blogging routine, right now it's all over the place ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  17. Absolutely love this post, it's so interesting to me to seeing how other people organise their blogging. Mine is very similar to yours, I love a good spreadsheet too but I'm guilty of having a million random ideas, inspirations etc. scribbled on every piece of paper nearby!


  18. I love the excel chart - such a handy way of doing it! I use them at work exactly like this to keep track but never thought of bringing it into blogging! Lovely post as usual ♡♡

    Chloe Mary Davis |

  19. Its really great to see how committed you are! I am also in awe of your organisation, a great post thanks!

    Lucy | Ooh La Luce

  20. I love your organised Excel spreadsheet.

    Lizzie Dripping

  21. Wow your so organised, i couldnt do that, i get far too distracted or it would probably miff me off too much haha =]

  22. Love the spreadsheet idea.
    You are so organised.
    I usually blog only when I have time because I'm busy with work daily (>.<).

  23. Holy shit I need to start using that spreadsheet system!!!

    Love it!

    Rach xx //

  24. I love having to-do lists! I also organise posts in excel like you - helps me keep track of where I'm at with them all!
    Olivia xxx

  25. I love the spreadsheet! I work crazy hours and different shifts every week so I've been finding it hard to keep my blogging as organised and as prepared as I'd like it to be and I really think something like that would help me out. Thanks for sharing!

    Brianne xx

  26. Your routine is similar to my own :) it works for me :) x

  27. I love your commitment, i really do. This post is amazing and i wish i had the willpower to do this, such a good plan xx
    Love Vicki |

  28. This is awesome! What a great post, very inspiring. Girl you post a lot, I'm thinking should I be posting more now? I publish every monday wednesday friday. I do work two jobs as well. But I think I should start posting on the weekends too.
    I seriously love your spreadsheet though. I love being organised and I love that!
    Followed you on Bloglovin'!
    Tegan xx - Permanent Procrastination

  29. Such a helpful post, thanks so much for sharing Jemma. I think I definitely need to look into using a spreadsheet, what a great idea! x

  30. Wow you're so organised! Makes me realise quite how disorganised I am with my blog :/ but it's given me ideas of how to be more organised so thank you!

  31. I've just come across your blog, and i love how organized you seem with it all!
    I love the spreadsheet idea to keep track of everything :-)


  32. WoW...spread sheat and all! Thank you for sharing!


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