10 Cute Instagrams

Instagram is my little online moodboard, my quick source of inspiration and a place where I can always rely on a burst of colour and beauty. You can find me posting on my own Insta, at least once a day and I do try to keep it full of life and pretty things. There are some Instagram accounts I adore a little more than others, as they seem to be the ones I visit on a regular basis and fall in love with! I thought I would share some of my favourites with you guys today, and I hope you enjoy!
(Also, they are not in any particular order!)

1. https://instagram.com/chelsamander/

Okay I said they are not in any particular order but to be fair, Chels might just take the top spot. I found her on Tumblr years ago and I've been obsessed ever since. Her colourful hair, the cute indie/girly clothes, the 90's nostalgia... Oh Chels, you have me totally smitten. If you love lots of bright colours and girly themes, this is one for you.

2. https://instagram.com/slitherydee/

Another discovery from my Tumblr obsessed days! (I still use it, but I used to live on Tumblr..) This girl is like a colourful unicorn of happiness. She manages to find the weird, wacky and unusual; and make them totally fun. I'm addicted.

3. https://instagram.com/fineanddandyblog/

You all know Claire, right?! If you don't already follow her blog, you should go visit and see what you're missing out on immediately! Claire has the most beautiful, girly, adorable Instagram feed, and is definitely a little face I enjoy seeing pop up. With a preference for all things pink, and fun childish themes; it will feel like you've entered the bedroom of a princess.

4. https://instagram.com/youngeccentric/

If you fancy something a little edgier, then Sabrina is the girl for you. Her Instagram is a constant source of fun and attitude thrown in with plenty of glitter. You can't help but envy this girl no matter what your own style is, and she'll show you that Art can be anything you make it.

5. https://instagram.com/jennyeveryday/

Jenny Everyday is a very accurate name for her Instagram. She shares her daily life snippets focusing on all the beauty she encounters, and it's a treat to scroll through her feed. Expect plenty of sweet treats and cute homeware.

6. https://instagram.com/theconnoisseurofcute/

All things bright, colourful and FUN; that's how I would describe Elizabeth's Instagram. I discovered this only a few months ago, and I've been obsessed ever since. She also owns the most amazing little online store which is chock full of goodies to make any Kawaii girl swoon!

7. https://instagram.com/iamlazykat/

Kat is a blogger who I am constantly envying. She is stylish (100% in her own way), cute and smart. A Parisian blogger who always translates her posts into both French and English, sharing her day to day outfits, cute finds and inspirations. Her Instagram is much of the same, showcasing plenty of white washed pastels and bright photographs. You'll love her!

8. https://instagram.com/lemon_freckles/

Toni is another blogger who I admire greatly and I genuinely visit her blog/Instagram on a daily basis, to give me a boost of inspiration when really needed! She is a creative soul and can always be seen sharing her latest illustrations, designs, crafty endeavors. I love seeing other creatives and Toni is such a wonderful, lovely person too to boot!

9. https://instagram.com/aww.sam/

Pink and yellow everywhere! Sam has a very clear and pretty theme going on, perfect if you need to get in the mood for Summer. Think beautifully staged photos, sweet treats and some of the cutest outfits you'll ever see! It's such a happy theme, that I can't help but fall in love with its sickly sweet feed.

What about you guys, who are your faves? Suggest me some!

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  1. All these Instagram's are so colourful and fruity and fun! I need to get some fruit in my life!!
    Kelsey x

  2. Oooh some new accounts to follow! I love Claire's feed too, so pretty xx

    Charlotte / Colours & Carousels

  3. Oh I love this!! Already follow a few of these but adding some more :)

    I heart bright and colourful IGs!! xx

    Little Miss Katy | UK Lifestyle Blog

  4. I feel like I need to follow all of these!
    So cute and so great that you're sharing some love :)
    ♥ Fran - <a href="http://frannymac.com</a> www.frannymac.com</a> xx

  5. I was admiring how pretty yours is yesterday! I wish my Instagram was so cute. How do you even do it?!

    Sara Bloo xo

  6. So colourful and fun! Thanks for sharing!

    Renee | Lose The Road

  7. Sabrina's instagram definitely gets a follow from me, love it! x

  8. Aw, loved reading this - you have excellent taste! I love iamlazykat's feed but hadn't heard of the others so thanks for sharing!

    Sinéad xo ♥ fabuleuse, toujours ♥

  9. If I wasn't following them already... I am now. not one of these instagrams made me think 'meh'

    The Girl Who Looks Like a Cake

  10. Thank you for sharing these! They all look so cute ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  11. Thanks for the tips, lovely! <3

  12. I love Claire's instagram, it's sooooo cute and pretty! I'll have to check out the others, they all look adorable!

    Rebecca Coco

  13. They are all so vibrant and colorful!! Going to look at them ASAP! :D Great post :) Thanks for sharing these lovely people!

    Kalee |www.voyageurkalee.com

  14. Great post. So much cute! How did you make the picture collages?

  15. yay thanks for this honey! great accounts!xx



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