15 Creative Things To Do

If I could ask for anything for you guys when visiting Dorkface, it'd be that you're left feeling inspired and creative; that's the hope anyway. So what if you do feel inspired?, what if I do get your creative juices flowing?... what then?

Well I have the solution my friends. I know, I know. You can thank me later. 
Now take some time to invest on your creativity, it will not be time wasted!

1. Paint. I don't care if you've never picked up a brush in your life; do it! Swish some watercolours about, use them as pretty backgrounds for pictures, make a super organised colour swatching page to inspire you (and possibly consider a new colour scheme for your blog!)

2. Make an inspiration book. Collect pretty images in magazines, scraps of paper, cute wrapping paper, anything you can stick into a journal. Starting in such a simple way, creating pages of imagery you just like, will bring new ideas to you every time you come back to it and will make a really pretty journal.

3. Paint your nails. Really go for it, don't stick with the normal splash of colour quickly slapped onto your nails (just me?!). Check out some amazing ideas from Pinterest like these, and make something super pretty. Get creative with it; add glitter, stickers, spell out words, whatever. Make a statement!

4. Sew something inspirational into a shirt. Yep, anyone could do this one! Use this an an example. Just pencil in what you'd like to write first, then get sewing! Think of all the awesome song lyrics you could use...

5. Repaint something at home. This could be a big DIY project like painting an old table with a pop of colour, or simply making a serving tray a little prettier. 

6. Make a card. Everyone loves a handmade card! There is nothing cuter, or more heartfelt than someone putting a bit of effort in. Especially if it's for no reason, other than to make someone smile :)

7. Create a collage. Super easy! Whether you use old photographs, images from magazines or just ripped up pieces of pretty paper :)

8. Take photographs. I know a lot of my audience is made up of bloggers, and you photograph a lot anyway. But let's get creative with it! Take photos every hour of your day, and show how your whole day went. Or go somewhere special, somewhere local, and take as many photos as possible. Maybe even ask someone to sit for you?

9. Writing. This this I'm doing right now? This counts. Grab a pen and paper (ooh, oldschool!) and write down your favourite memories, the start of a short story, or even a poem. Don't worry about the outcome, just have fun with it.

10. Customise. Whether it's your clothes, your notebooks, your bag or your mirror; get customising! 
11. Sculpt. Okay, this doesn't have to be as daunting as it might sound! I've used clay before to make jewellery on this very old post, and it's so much fun!

12. Collect things. I know someone who collects pretty flowers and presses them into a scrapbook with notes/photographs from where she picked them, and it's such an awesome idea! But the simple act of collecting anything can be quite creative if you share or display it in some fun way.

13. Get crafty with crochet. I've never learned to crochet myself, but it looks amazing! I'm especially impressed with the creations from Crissy - she is so talented!

14. Make a dream catcher. Not just for the boho types! Make something super pretty to display above your bed and it'll remind you how super creative and awesome you are! :)

15. Learn to play an instrument. Whether the piano, drums or the guitar are something you've always wanted to learn but never bothered, do it now! There's no time like the present.

I hope you all feel a little inspired, and let me know what creative things you're all up to lately?

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  1. Love all these ideas! :) I'm always doing creative things and love learning different crafts! Your blog definitely makes me feel inspired! I adore it! :) xx

    Lucy x |~ SweetIsAlwaysInStyle || Lifestyle Blog ~

  2. I feel like I haven't painted for so long - not since school and that's five years ago! Thanks for the inspo! xx


  3. I always write poems and doodle when I feel creative, art is always fun! Love this post!

    1. So glad to hear that! It can be so helpful and therapeutic too <3 xx

  4. I love these! Your blog is definitely inspiring to me, so thank you for that! I made a dream catcher with an embroidery hoop, doilies, and lace strips. It was super easy and fun!

    xo, C

    1. Aww Catherine thank you for making me smile! <3 I'll have to try that one day, I keep meaning to!!

  5. I enjoy taking photographs and playing with the exposure and lighting and backgrounds :) It's very soothing and fun! Great ideas too! I know where I'll come on a rainy day for ideas :P

    John | Shout John

    1. I need to practise with my camera more, I'd love to improve my skills! :) Aww thanks John! xx

  6. I love this post - this is so useful as there are some days where I really want to get the creative juices flowing but I end up with a block on what to do! I recently started making an inspiration book again recently, as I hadn't done one for so long and you've inspired me to keep going with it! Thank you for your lovely comments on my last post too, my photos are nowhere near as good as some other bloggers I visit but thank you - I am trying to improve, and your photos are lovely as they are, they always inspire a creative spark in me. - Tasha

  7. well this just made me feel very inspired! I made a candle the other week and it was so therapeutic. Love this post Jemma :)

  8. Love this post! I am often feeling creative but don't know what to do with all that creative energy so just end up card making but there is so much more you can do with it! I especially enjoy the collaging idea - that sounds like a 90s fun throwback that i have neglected of late.

  9. My crochet needles actually arrived today - so excited to get started! need some things to occupy me this summer, so will definitely turn to this list!
    Abbie xx

  10. You've got some lovely ideas here Jemma - thanks for sharing! I'm definitely one of those "I wish I was creative" people haha :)

    Jess xo

  11. What a great post! It's so easy to get caught up in the online world but there is really nothing better then creating something new! Its such a great way to relax :)
    Becca x


  12. Great post, im hoping to make cards soon and ive also been using my colouring books this week as well =]


  13. I love this post! So inspiring!

  14. These are such great ideas! I really need to act on my creativity more ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  15. Great ideas! Getting creative is such a good way to relax and escape the stresses and strains of everyday life. Thanks for sharing!

    ISOSCELLΔ | isoscella.blogspot.co.uk

  16. Love these ideas, they are great for getting creative and perfect when in a creative block! I have started doing a drawing a day so that helps to keep me making things, even if I'm just drawing my Reeses' peanut butter cup packet! I really like the card idea, everyone loves a home made-card, I sometimes make postcards and they work just as good :) Great Post! :)

  17. Great list! I wish I was creative enough to do any of these though :( ha

    Natalie Ann xo // Petal Poppet Blogs ♥

  18. This is such an inspiring post Jem! And it really got my creative juices flowing :) I'm seriously feelin' number 12 right now as in my spare time I love collecting kitschy ceramic animals from etsy and charity shops! It's a really therapeutic pastime!

    Also, I feel like number 10 is my LIFE! I always need to mix things up and refreshen looks! Even if it's the simplest thing like adding washi tape to a bland notebook :)

    AMAZING post Jemma <3 Keep it up gurl!

    Claire xo

  19. Love these ideas! I feel inspired already :D thanks for sharing :)


  20. You're so awesome at this creative stuff Jemma! I love all things creative but sometimes I find it hard to get the creative juices flowing lol. Will definitely be referring back to this list for my Sunday afternoons :)

    Damzel In This Dress

  21. Your photos are so pretty, and your blog aesthetic in general. Nice list, I'm always feeling creative but don't do anything about it.

    { sparklesideup.com }

  22. I need to paint more this summer! It's something I'm super horrible at haha Thank you for mentioning me!! <3

  23. I always feel like I'm not very creative but now I want to go and give all of these a go. Thanks for the inspiration
    Beth x
    Mermaid in Disguise

  24. I am akways left inspired after visiting your fab blog! This is a great post I love thise clay marble necklaces you made need to try that out! Plus painting yes i love to do that! #mustfindmywatercolours


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