Happy Birthday To Me | 28 Things

So today is my 28th birthday, eek.

I'm not sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, I LOVE birthdays, but getting older is for reals scary! At 28 I'm supposed to be a proper grown up aren't I? I certainly don't feel that way. I'm still scared of the dark, I spend all day watching cartoons, I can't cook and I have no idea how taxes work really. I know we're all in charge of our own lives, and everyone defines 'grown up' in a different way I suppose, but I think I just always believed as a kid that at 28, I would have all the answers. Oh man, I have exactly none of the answers.

I thought I'd be married, have a house, have kids by now and be well into a deeply successful career. I actually just laughed out loud at the absurdity of all that. But the thing is, I'm extremely happy with my life even though it's very different than I thought it'd be at this age.

I feel like I've learned a lot, and I've experienced some amazing things so far. So to mark today's special day; I wanted to share 28 things with you guys. 28 Things I've learned, loved, done, seen or experienced. Think of it almost like a random list of facts about me.

So here we go. For my 28th birthday-

28 Facts about my life so far.

1. When I was a little girl, I always wanted to be a writer. I'd make friends, family and teachers listen to my stories.

2. I was offered the part of Mary in the Nativity at primary school... but the angels head prettier outfits, so I decided a halo was for me.

3. When we had to make DIY pom poms for school, my mum learned about two sisters who didn't have a mother, and had trouble making their own. She ended up spending hours at night making some for each of them. I remember feeling incredibly lucky. I still do.

4. The first concert I ever went to was to see Robbie Williams, lol.

5. I had my first kiss when I was 12 years old, with all my friends watching.

6. On Thursday nights as a kid, my dad and I would watch movies together.

7. I feel quite lucky that high school was so great for me, as I know a lot of people hated it. I actually miss those years.

8. I've always been terrified of spiders. I once ran into a busy road to avoid a spider and almost got ran over.

9.  I met my best friend on the very first day of college. She seemed way more quiet and shy than she actually is!

10. I got my first tattoo at 18. In the past 10 years I've gotten 12 more.

11. I had a Japanese penpal from around aged 12/13. We don't write any more, but we have each other on Facebook. She invited me to her wedding in France which was amazing, but I couldn't go.

12. I used to have my eyebrow pierced.

13. I used to make my own magazines as a kid, draw pictures, do a front cover, and write up articles (loser).

14. When I finally saw Eminem perform live, I cried (huge fan).

15. I lost my virginity in the least serious/overwhelming way possible. Yeah. I had a boyfriend I loved at the time, and we wanted to anyway, but the actual timing itself? Yeah we thought it'd be 'a laugh'.

16. My middle name is Morgan and I like it more than Jemma.

17. I'm a very goal orientated person, and I feel lost without goals.

18. I once went the dentist straight after school on my own, and my parents had the police out looking for me thinking something bad had happened to me. I thought I was being grown up by going to get something checked out alone.

19. The night before my birthday when I was around 5, I was really ill. My mum gave my my birthday present early to cheer me up. It was The Little Mermaid on videotape, and we watched it together at like 3am. It was the best birthday ever.

20. I remember going to the cinema with my dad when Matilda came out, and I was SO excited because I'd loved the book for so long. Dad fell asleep in the cinema, and I loved it. I remember mentioning it wasn't quite as good as the book though.

21. I once won an award for most improved attendance at school. The major presented me with it in the town hall. I'm not saying this proudly... I'm saying I missed a big chunk of school at one point, and then improved, haha.

22. I can remember joining sewing club in Primary school and omg I loved it. I was so damn good, and it felt great to be creative. Even though it sounds really lame.

23. I joined an after school dance class too, but quit after 2 weeks. I felt silly with people watching me.

24. I also went to music lessons and learned how to play the flute. I did that for about a year and half before quitting. Let it be known I'm always keen to try things though!

25. I used to DREAD speaking in front of the class at school. But since leaving school I've found that not only am I pretty okay at public speaking (when prepared), I also actually quite like it. I'm comfortable up there for the most part.

26. One time in college, the fire alarm went off and everyone was moaning and huffing; because this always meant some idiot had set it off and we'd have to go outside in the cold for 20 minutes for nothing. But this time, my best friend and I decided to hide under our desks and stay inside, laughing our asses off. We were there about half an hour, thinking we were hilarious, then we started to get worried. We had to sneak out and pretend we'd been there the whole time. It was stupid, but we thought it was the funniest thing ever.

27. I've learned being an atheist makes me lead a more positive life. The fact that I believe nothing happens when we die, means that time here and now is so much more important. Also, I know it can scare some people, but I find it really comforts me. To me, there's no 'great unknown', no doubts, nothing. And that's okay.

28. All I really want is to do some good, make people feel loved and appreciated. I hope I get to do something special with my life. Something I can look back and feel proud of.

Here's to turning 28!

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