Favourites From My Shelf

It's not often I talk about books on this blog, which seems ridiculous really considering reading is one of my favourite hobbies ever. I love getting lost in a fictional world for a while, burying my head in something for hours to drown out reality. My favourite types of books are crime fiction, some light fantasy, anything that makes me giggle and those melancholy, pensive ones that stick with you for years.

I thought I'd share with you guys some of my favourite reads from my bookshelf, in case you're ever after a recommendation. Now, I'm not here to list all my favourite books of all time; I'd be here forever. But I will just mention one or two that totally grabbed me, changed me or stuck with me in some way. I probably won't even mention much what they're about; I simply want to share how they made me feel and why I liked them. Stick with me if that's your thing.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky.
I read this book a few years back, before the film. I enjoyed it because the way it is written seemed to speak to me, and left me feeling so involved. I'd say it's the book version of that feeling you get when you have one too many wines, and you're on the way home late at night on your own, assessing the world in your hazey mind. But that's just me.

How To Be a Woman - Caitlin Moran.
I can remember I picked this book up on a whim, while browsing Waterstones for something new. I hadn't heard of Caitlin Moran before, I knew nothing about her. The blurb mentioned it was funny, and focused on female issues; so I casually decided I'd buy it and give it a go. On the way home I began to read, and it was probably the most I've laughed at a book before. Everyone on the bus stared at me, and I didn't care. It was the book that brought me a new hero; Caitlin I love you. I will read this book over and over and over.

Lord of The Flies - William Golding.
This is one of the few books I can remember my school making us read, that I really enjoyed. It's a story that really represents the human impulse towards savagery and the fight against it within civilisation. A group of schoolboys trapped on an island, and how they cope. I thought it was a fascinating read, and I can remember the first time I read it I was so captivated with how the writer had represented such big ideas in small ways. I still have my pencilled notes I wrote for GCSE int he margins of my copy, and I love that.

The Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger.
This one is so hard for me to describe. It's unique in the way it makes me feel when I read it, because I'd describe it as the only book so far to make me feel 'weird'... and that's a good thing. It's a story about a boy growing up, rejecting adult life and hating the artificial parts we all come to accept naturally. He is very confused, and often isolated. I feel like this is something people could all relate to at some point. This book caused such a unique reaction in me and it's inspiring how such a simple story can do that.

There are plenty of other books I'd love to talk about; in fact I haven't even mentioned my favourite book ever on here. But I feel these are the four from my shelf I would so easily recommend to anyone in a heartbeat.

Please let me know if you've read them and what you thought - I'd love to know! :)
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