New Year, Same Dork.

It's so tempting to join in with the 'New year, new me!' thing. We all laugh at it, but it's really cool to be honest. The idea that we'll really make a change, improve in whatever way we feel we need to, and really strive for a better self; is awesome. But the thing is, sometimes we hear it so much and it floods our feed, or takes over Facebook, Instagram, daily conversations leading up to new year... that it sort of ingrains itself in our heads. 'Oh shit, what do I need to improve?' 'What am I bad at?' 'What the one thing I hate most about myself?' 'I need to change.' It's not necessarily true.

2015 Has been a powerful and amazing year for me. I feel my whole life has changed. There are actually only one or two things that have stayed constant (my relationship, my love for blogging). I'm so happy with this, almost everything has improved. Some of it purposefully achieved by myself, some accidental, beautiful little gems of luck. 

I'm not saying my life is perfect. But I'm also not going to sit here listing the ways in which things suck. I'm not going to dwell on all the negative. I'm very, very lucky for the things I do have. I want to bring in 2016 as positive as possible. I think I'm getting close to the happiest I've ever been. I'm not quite there (2003-2009 are really hard years to compete with, so much love for most of my teen years) - but I'm getting damn close.

I have resolutions, sure. There are things I want from 2016, but they're things I've already started doing. I just want MORE of them. This year I have become braver, more spontaneous, more social, healthier, kinder, creative and adventurous. I want more of that in 2016. I want to book impromptu trips away with friends. I want to take a train to nowhere, and document it all with photographs. I want to write something substantial, that might inspire someone I've never met. I want to laugh until it hurts. I want to meet more people I've only spoken to on Twitter. I want to make my Dad proud. I want to show more love and affection to my crazy, stupid family (especially my mother). I want to be stupid, and silly, and wake up laughing at my drunken antics. I want to surprise a friend. I want to take more time alone, with my thoughts; because I think it helps me, betters me, and makes me stronger. I want to tell people when I don't appreciate what they're doing. I want to walk into a party alone, feeling totally confident. I want to smile at strangers. 

I want to look back on another year and feel proud and happy. I want to look back on 365 days of pure joy, learning, new experiences and facing fears. It'll still have mistakes, and regrets; but that's life. 

I'm not going to wake up January first and vow to change. No. I want to be me, this same me I felt this year. This same dork who had such a wonderful year. Yes... more of that please.

You don't have to change.
What things would you like to keep/stay the same in 2016? :)

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