My 100th Post!

Wow, well 100 posts in five months isn't bad I reckon.
I feel very happy to have 100 posts behind me. I strive to make my posts better all the time, I want to be a better writer, photographer, editor and all around 'good' blogger. I've found something I love working on, and hopefully I'm getting better all the time. Thanks to anyone who reads my posts, pops by often, comments and generally supports in any way possible. I really do appreciate every single thing.

So, to keep up this happy mood from reaching this little milestone, I've decided to make a list of 

100 things that make me happy

1. Blogging!

2. Music. I recently rediscovered my love for music and it's an instant mood lifter. Expect a playlist post coming soon..

3. Rainy days. There's nothing I love more than seeing huge black clouds in the sky and hearing the rain bounce against my window. 

4. My boyfriend. I couldn't not put him in this list. He's my main source of joy, everyday. He makes me feel like a princess.

5. Unicorns. Really.

6. Tattoos. Drawing them up, getting them done, enjoying the aftermath. I'm addicted. I think I have ten (I stop counting now) and I love them all. More soon.

7. Drunken nights with friends. Well ok, anytime with friends. But drunken nights are hilarious.

8. Autumn. It's my fave season! And it'll be here soon! :)

9. Having pretty nails. I never have bare nails, I love them all painted up thank you.

10. Night time. It's when I come alive and so much more interesting than the day..

11. Adventure Time. Oh my jesus I love it so much. I'll probably get an AT tattoo one day. I collect merch too. I'm constantly wrestling trying to decide who is my fave character. Right now its between Marceline and BMO.

12. Gummy bears. As in the Haribo ones. Love 'em!

13. Shopping sprees. Retail therapy really does wonders. Especially at the makeup counters in Debenhams <3

14. Cuddles in the middle of the night. As in, waking up and finding each other's arms and getting right in there.

15. Getting/giving unexpected compliments. This makes me so happy, especially if I'm feeling especially crappy, and I like to make others feel the same way.

16. Inside jokes with friends. Usually weird stuff.

17. Feeling awesome after an intense workout.

18. Coffee forever makes me happy. Especially if it's in one of my Adventure Time mugs.

19. Eminem. Did you not know I'm a huge Eminem fan? Have been for years. Marshall gets me.

20. Pizza. Yes.

21. Learning a new recipe, and it turning out well!

22. Looking through old photographs. Get them feels!

23. Seeing your favourite band play live and getting goosebumps.

24. Having my hair played with. Oh so relaxing and lovely. But not if it's by a stranger..

25. New socks. I don't know why, but this just makes me happy.

26. Getting lost in a book and losing all sense of time.

27. Disney movies. The Little Mermaid will always be my favourite comfort/happy movie.

28. Meeting someone new and they just get you. Instant friendship.

29. Those deep conversations that last hours through the night, when you feel you learn something new about yourself and the other person.

30. Forehead kisses. It just feels protective and nice.

31. Hearing your favourite song on the radio.

32. Handwritten letters in the post.

33. When strangers smile at you.

34. Trying something new and scary, and it turns out great.

35. Postcards. Sending and receiving them.

36. Making someone laugh. Yessss.

37. Fresh sheets on the bed. 

38. Travelling. Finding somewhere in the world you completely feel at home, even if it's thousands of miles away.

39. Random texts from people you haven't seen in a while, just to say hi.

40. When certain scents remind you of happy memories.

41. When people just remember your birthday.

42. Taking your bra off after a long day.

43. Getting 'I love you' texts.

44. Sunsets, enjoying them calmly.

45. Waking up from a bad dream and realising it wasn't real.

46. Bubble baths.

47. When someone's laugh is funnier than the joke.

48. Popping bubble wrap.

49. Getting new Vans. They're my fave.

50. Painting/drawing/being creative.

51. Creating fun DIY's.

52. Wearing red lipstick.

53. Finding the perfect dress.

54. Watching my fave TV shows.. Greys Anatomy, Sex & the City, HIMYM, The Office..

55. Cute phone covers.

56. Awesome female characters. Lisbeth Salander, Katniss Everdeen, Clementine Kruczynski.

57. I love anything pink and girly.

58. Glitter makes me happy.

59. Kittens. Because of course they make me happy.

60. Kristen Stewart. I kind of adore her.

61. When my boyfriend cooks for me. He's an excellent cook, and I'll admit I like feeling spoiled.

62. Having good hair days. That makes me really happy.

63. Just being around kind people.

64. Discovering a new talent.

65. Having alone time. It feels good every now and again to reflect, relax and be content.

66. Having really good dreams, and remembering them.

67. Just being stupid with friends.

68. Playing Zelda games. I like almost all, and they make me happyyy.

69. Getting my favourite magazines.

70. Cute hats.

71. Anything Moomins <3

72. Baking cookies.

73. Looking through photographs on your phone after a night out.

74. German Shepard's and Pugs! The best dogs ever.

75. Lucky Charms!

76. Yummy cocktails.

77. My Luna Lovegood wand. I just feel special with it..

78. Snowy days <3

79. Getting flowers.

80. Finding hidden book stores.

81. Long walks through woods.

82. Anything Hello Kitty.

83. Browsing through Pinterest/Tumblr.

84. Seeing rainbows :)

85. Holding hands.

86. Great makeup days!

87. Planning mine & Gary's future home <3

88. Watching Youtubers.

89. New notebooks. I'm a stationary geek.

90. Finding unexpected money.

91. Waking up and realising it's still early.

92. When someone seems really, genuinely happy to see you.

93. Fancy dress.

94. When cats do that kneading thing on you and purr.

95. Sending hilarious/random snapchats to friends.

96. Mermaids. Yesss.

97. Smiley kisses.

98. Lighting candles.

99. Louis CK. That guy's amazingly hilarious.

100. Knowing everything is gonna be okay.

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  1. Cute post - we share a lot of likes :D xxx

  2. Love this post. Congrats on your 100th post sweetie :)

  3. Such a lovely positive post! congratulations of your 100th post! some of these were the same as me lol :)

  4. This is a really nice idea for a post. Maybe I'll do it when I hit 50. And I know what you mean about new socks! xx

  5. Ugh, too cute!!

    And I'm a total stationary geek too!


  6. Loved this post! We're definitely very similar, I found myself nodding to pretty much everything!
    I absolutely love autumn and rainy days, people find it strange but I just can't stand hot weather in England (abroad is perfectly okay of course!) Plus I love Eminem, especially his older work. I miss getting postcards! It was always so exciting. I haven't got a wand yet (I don't know why either) but I was going to get Luna's! Great minds ;)

    I love personal posts, and really enjoyed this one!

    Hazel Jane xx

    1. Yayyy twins! Haha! I love Luna, she's such a doll! :) glad you liked it lovely! Xx

  7. Congrats on your 100th post :) x

    Brenda BusyBee

  8. Congrats on your 100th post! In five months as well, thats amazing! I've followed you on bloglovin', I was going down this list nodding like 'yep, this girl has TASTE', haha. Unicorns, Vans, live music, creativity... brilliant stuff! I'm also starting an art journal atm!


    1. Aww brilliant! Thanks so much :D A girl after my own heart x


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