Party Style With Simply Be

It's creeping closer and closer to the end of the year, and that inevitable 'party season' where we all get a bit more glammed up and glitzy.

I myself don't particularly do parties; but there are lots of family plans, special blog events, romantic meals and drinks out with the other half, and seeing friends for a cocktail or two after work. With Autumn and Winter just around the corner; I love to embrace darker colours, add a little glitter where I can and look my best in outfits that are appropriate for all these types of events.

Keeping this in mind, Simply Be recently got in touch with me and asked if I'd like to try anything from their amazing selection of partywear, and I browsed their website for what seemed like hours, trying to decide on what awesome piece I would choose.

I decided to go with the Black Sequin Prom Dress* as it's pretty perfect for absolutely any evening event. I was so excited with how beautiful the sequins were and the length is perfect, reaching just at my knees.

I've tried it with flats and heels and it goes wonderfully with both; which is a huge relief as I'm definitely more of a flats girl. In fact, I have some cute black glitter ballet pumps which compliment this perfectly.

The second item I decided to try was the Black Lazer Cut Tunic Dress* and I feel like this one has a very hit and miss risk with it - which I kind of suspected when seeing it online anyway. But I thought, what the hell? It looks kind of sexy, but in a reserved way, which definitely felt more natural to me (I'm not very good at flaunting my good bits). So anyway, it arrived, and I was excited to give it a try!

A few things to note here.

1. Please forgive me as I don't have a full photo of it. I have the hardest time trying to get photos as it;s just me alone, I can't see what I'm doing, and I don't even have a remote for my camera! Hellish situation. But this has sparked me to buy some equipment, and hopefully make some improvements ASAP!

2. I will get a full photo of this on Instagram very soon, as I'm SO excited to show you all it.

3. You need really good underwear with this dress.

Okay, so basically I discovered that if you have ANY sort of lump, bump, curve at all; this dress will show it. However, with a quick change into some very Bridget Jones style knickers and tights - It looked amazing! It completely flattered my chest too, as it made the ladies look smaller. Something I'm eternally grateful for as I hate them tbh. I felt very cool in this PU leather look dress, teamed with smokey makeup, boots and lots of jewellery. It honestly felt like something I could wear to a party or a gig with friends. Lots of woohoo-ing from me.

Overall even though very different styles, I loved both dresses from Simply Be and think they have an awesome party range for whatever you might be after. Whether you're a pastel princess, love more of a cool rock chic vibe, or love anything with a little glitter; the range will have something for you! I already know I'm gonna feel super sassy wearing these, and they have taken pride of place in my wardrobe.

What kind of party style do you guys go for?

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