Lazy Day Loveliness

The weekend is here, hurrah! I'm in such a celebratory mood that I'm making the most of it as much as possible. Since starting my new job, my weekends now consist of fitting in all the things I don't have time or energy for in the rest of the week. I thought you guys might enjoy knowing what those things are, and maybe it'll inspire your own lazy day this weekend...

- Reading.
These days reading is the ultimate indulgence for me, whether it's my favourite magazines or a new book. It's almost like the world stops for a while, and I get to be transported to a new place with new people. Even if I am simply lounging on the sofa in my pjs...

- Pampering.
There's nothing quite like scaring the postman when you answer with a face mask all over you. Taking the time to do those toenails, test out makeup, put a hair mask on and whatever else you might fancy, is just bloody great isn't it? This weekend I'm all about freshening up my skin and deeply conditioning my hair. After all, green hair is high maintenance you know.

- Netflix.
Binging on one of the greatest sources of TV and movies these days is heaven! And good news for all you Friends fans; it's finally been added on there! It may be the US version though, you guys will have to check. I'm one of those naughty people who cheats and uses both UK and UK versions of the site haha. Other TV shows I love to watch on there include Dexter ("Tonight's the night. And it's going to happen, again and again"), Scandal ("We're gladiators"), Lost ("We have to go back!") and The Office ("That's what she said"). Can you tell I'm a fan?

- Crafting.
Or just any creative activity in general to be honest. My job entails digital technology, social media and slaving at a computer everyday. Don't be fooled though; I love it. But at the weekend I really appreciate the downtime I get to let out all of my creativity. So whether it be painting, drawing, journalling, photography, sewing or getting out the polymer clay; something of the sort will always feature in my lazy days.

- Blogging.
And finally, the obvious one. I mean, it's Friday night and I'm sat here writing this to go out tomorrow morning (such a wild life I lead). But these days if I want regular blog posts, I have to squeeze as much as I can out of the weekend. I love doing it too, it's so relaxing and therapeutic. I also use this time to catch up with my favourite blogs, yay! :)

What are you guys up to this weekend?

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  1. I hear netflix are starting to ban users that aren't using the correct areas, be careful! :) nothing like sitting with a face mask on reading magazines!! Xxx

  2. Netflix takes up a lot of my weekend too! Dexter is an amazing show x

    Antonia | Fifi and the Diamonds

  3. I lovee reading, watching Netflix, and blogging also. Such fun ways to relax and have an amazing time with ourselves :D


  4. Thank you for sharing an insight into your weekends! Its lovely to read more about you and what you get up to. I didn't realise Lost was on Netflix? I thought it wasn't on there? xxx

  5. that housseee in that pic! Envious! I'mdoing a spot of shopping and going out for my birthday! :)

  6. Ooooh! Not been on Netflix (naughty Jemma!! XD) but I love the idea of watching your favourite shows and sitting with a face mask on. Might have to treat myself to one and chill while the weather is nasty outside! xx

    Dee |

  7. What are you reading? I just finished 'Wonder' by R. J. Palacio and it was so good!

  8. I always love a lazy weekend, it is so good to just catch up on things, especially blogging which I don't get too much time for during the week. I am so excited to start watching friends!! x

    Jasmin Charlotte | UK Lifestyle Blog

  9. Can't beat a lazy day! I've just spent this morning finishing my book :)

    Style Sunrise ☀


  10. Lazy weekends are the best - I hope you enjoy it and relax! I love netflix, blogging, reading and pampering too :) I have uni work to do this weekend but hopefully I will get some netflix time in too.

    Happy Saturday!

    Suitcase and Sandals Blog XX

  11. This is pretty similar to most of our lazy days I guess. I do a lot of writing and blogging. I also watch movies and youtube. I sometimes bake or experiment with make up. That's more or less it.

    Glad to see you're settling into work very well :)


  12. This is such a beautiful picture!! I'm working this weekend and my partner is out of town, so it's just a quiet one for me. Nothing too exciting - although in the evenings I'll definitely be doing some pampering, blogging, and Netflixing. :)

    xx Kathryn

  13. Beautiful header picture, I rarely get lazy days but when I do I spend them watching my favourite films over and over again whilst blog commenting :)

    Keeley x

  14. All these lazy day tasks are perfect! I love a good lazy day, not that I get them often with a 4 month old baby!

    Rachael xo
    Girl Behind The Blue Door

  15. I love doing all these things, there is nothing better than putting on clean pyjamas and reading or watching netflix.

    Bethan Likes

  16. I stumbled across your blog through Bloglovin. Amazing pictures. Very cleaver use of depth of field.

  17. This sounds like the perfect weekend! I love lazy days like these. - Tasha

  18. The story of my life! ...Apart from the pampering. :)

    Sara Bloo xo

  19. I'm in the same position with starting a new job. I turned down tickets to a fashion show because I was so looking forward to going home to put on a face mask and watching Teachers!

  20. Lazy days are just wonderful! I love having the chance to sit back, watch a movie and maybe have a cheeky glass of wine or two. ;) x

  21. I love blogging on the weekend, I don't tend to write posts on the week nights because i'm just not in the mood. It's only a problem when I want to do a lot on the weekend and then I have to squeeze some blogging. Good job it's fun!

  22. I love lazy days, they restore my soul.


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