Art Journal Updates

It's been a couple of weeks since my last entry and for that I've felt guilty! I'm not sure why, nobody makes me fill in my art journal except myself. But it's a regular way to stay creative and get my juices flowing, so I hate when I skip on it. But today marks exactly one month since we moved home, and in that time I haven't found the will to unpack my many journals and sketchpads. Until now that is. I still don't really have a set space to work, which sucks but I'll try not to let it stop me. Sitting and doodling/gluing away on the floor is fine by me :]

Here's what I've been up to;

This one was just a full on collage with some scribbles, no drawing or painting this time around. I really tried to collect so many different textures, colours, shapes and text, to combine together. To be honest I'm really happy with this one and I'll be playing about with a similar style again soon.

As always, I'd love to know what you guys think?

And since this will be my last post until the weekend now, MERRY CHRISTMAS! :]

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  1. As art is interoperated different by everyone, I hope I've understood the theme! I like its poignancy with the quote at the top and the remembrance. A collection of memories by someone who meant a lot to to you but is no longer there. The quote and book extract are my favourite bits :) Like this :)

    1. You've interpreted so well, especially as you are right - Art is received so differently to different people. It's why I love it. Thank you so much for visiting lovely! xx

  2. These collages are so awesome. Hopefully you'll have some space in the new year to do more art-y stuff :)

  3. your journal looks great! i really need to keep up with journaling, it's been so long since I did anything collage-y

  4. I know I've said it before but your art journal posts always inspire me to get back into my art. I'm finally biting the bullet and I'll be posting the first of a new art related series I'm doing every other week, this Thursday. Looking forward to it!

    Sara Bloo xo


Thank you so much for reading! I'd love to know what you thought :)

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