July Blush

We're midway though this month already and I've been trying out some of my beauty products that I don't use much. I do have a huge collection of makeup, but tend to stick to my usual staples which I know is boring.

While hunting through my blush collection which is particularly generous, I stumbled upon my Avon Marbleised Powder blush in Self Discovery.

Usually my favourite blush colours are very sweet candy pinks, or coral hues.
This rose gold tint has a slight shimmer to it, and does appeal to a summery/bronzed look. Even for pale ladies like myself!

I have to say, after forcing myself to try it, I've very much come around. It's beautiful, and so subtle. It compliments my contouring well, and seems very suited to a wide range of skin colours. I purposefully tried this on a friend who is much darker skinned than myself, and it looked amazing.

I'm not saying I've completely gone off my pink/coral blushers forever, but this is basically my new favourite. I will definitely be on the lookout for more rose gold hues to add to my blush collection.

I'm hoping this photograph of a quick swatch of the blush on the back of my hand, is showing up well enough for you guys to see. It is really subtle, but just enough to see a gorgeous tint of colour with a slight shimmer.

Have any of you guys tried this blush?
Avon prices it at £8 and if you would like some for yourself, 
you can find it here.

I loved it!
Let me know what you think :)
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  1. How pretty is this blush?!

    Lovely review darlin!

    Latasha xx | Today I Adore

    1. I know, its just gorge! :) Thanks for stopping by lovely! xx


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