Another month is over and done with, and to be honest with you; June was pretty lame all in all. My poor kitty got sick and needed lots of extra love and care, vets bills were a total bitch, we had some bad news in the family, and everything that could have gone wrong DID. It weren't the worst time ever of course, and there are silver linings everywhere. But I'm looking forward to going into July, and seeing it as a fresh new start!
The best things about June were losing 16lbs in weight (woo), getting to collaborate with some awesome brands, trying new things (hello more outfit posts and makeup looks SOON), finalising some awesome stuff for The Girl Gang event and having time off with Gary. Well, time off for him, I was constantly working away as always. But it was nice to have him in the background obviously. He kept me stocked up on cups of tea and nibbles, as I stared into the seemingly bottomless chasm of work piling up around me.
I finished Orange Is The New Black (weep), and I've started watching Greys Anatomy ALL OVER AGAIN. I forgot how much I disliked Izzie and George, but I love the show so much I'm happy to have to rewatch their faces. Everyone else who I know who watches the show seems to miss those characters, which I find weird. I loathed them, so whiny and annoying. I do miss Christina though, I will forever be her number one fan.
Anyway, enough TV talk. BOOKS. Yes books, I've been making more 'me' time lately. Well, by 'me time' I mean I stay away until 6am instead of 5am, so that I can read for a little while before I collapse headfirst onto my Kindle. Yay for priorities. Jon Ronson is the man of the moment on my Kindle, and I'm reading the books of his I haven't read yet. There isn't many though, because he's one of my favourite writers ever and I could devour his words in one sitting. I thoroughly recommend you read his stuff!
And finally the greatest silver lining of the month has been the pleasure of having some awesome advertisers to share with you guys! Seriously, get clicking because these guys rock.
Fiona - A beam of sunshine, a wonderful blog filled with something for everyone and a friendly blogger behind it. Fiona is someone who fills my feed with all the good stuff, and that's pretty okay with me.
Zoe - A fellow creative who is always lovely to everyone and has beautiful photography skills too! I stalk her Instagram, don't judge me.
Kia - An avid photographer with a beautiful blog, and she's one of the loveliest girls around!
Chloe - A burst of lifestyle, baking dream journals and much more over on Chloe's blog! She's a doll, go follow!
Justine - This girl is easily in the top 5 people who cheer me up when I need it, support me without me asking and always a positive presence in my feed! If loyalty were a currency, this girl would be rich!
Hannah - Hannah is a lovely girl with a beautiful blog, you can't help but envy her photography skills! She posts about a range of topics, so there's something for everyone to love!
Rebecca Jane - Rebecca is someone I've followed for AGES now, and I adore her! I love seeing her in my Twitter feed, and her blog is a thoughtful, creative place for everything she feels like sharing!
Leanne - An inspiring blogger who writes about her experiences, lifestyle issues, festivals and much more! She's such a sweetheart as well, so go follow!
Jess - BEAUTIFUL. Sorry, first thing that comes to mind. Her blog and photography give me serious envy! As well as that, she's a top notch writer who produces awesome content. You need to follow this girl!
Aoife - If you're a total bookworm and love reading great reviews and getting plenty of recommendations, Aoife's blog is for you! I myself have added a few of her fab suggestions onto my own list!
So here's to July now I guess! Another month to read, create, laugh, collapse onto Kindles and moan about never having enough time.
How's your month been?
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