Let's Have A Little (Or Big) Catch Up...

I've been dying to catch up with you guys properly for days now, I really felt like I had a million little things I needed to say. None of them super important to be honest, but it always feel so good to indulge in a chatty post with you lot - it's my favourite type of blogging! I hope you don't mind.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year, and 2016 is already being kind to you. I got utterly spoiled by loved ones and I feel very grateful. My favourite gift by far as my new graphics tablet from Gary; it's something I need to use every single day and him getting me an awesome one makes a big difference! We had a quiet Christmas and New Year to be honest, and I was okay with that. I never usually like staying in on NYE, but this year was okay. I brought in 2016 content, working hard, being creative and feeling loved. Perfect. (Okay, not perfect. Perfect would have been 15 Jagers, blaring music and all my friends around, but there we go.)

The past week or so has seen me be as busy as ever with work stuff (for those who don't know, I work from home illustrating and doing social media for small businesses). It's also seen a stead income of new bookings for the past week or two; which is very unusual. I'm pretty used to self employment being anything but consistent, so when I have a steady run of work it really helps me. I hope that continues!

Girl Gang stuff is going SO WELL. I still can't believe we've hit 1000 members!! Wow. (Wanna learn about GG? Click here. Wanna sign up for the newsletter? Click here.) There are still some bugs/issues I'm trying to deal with, and admittedly I got super stressed out about this yesterday. A near melt down happened live on Twitter for all to see. I was feeling the pressure. I know it sounds silly, but I get SO many tweets every single day and a huge amount are Girl Gang questions which are all answered here on this blog, and if I can't reply to every single one or if someone doesn't receive the newsletter; I kinda freak out. I will be creating a huge GG FAQ page, Twitter account & more very soon. I promise it's gonna become even more organised, but please bear with me. It's just little old me trying to do everything (and I love doing it all myself, it's my 'baby') but it means some things take a little longer.
The first newsletter seemed like a success though! I took my time getting it out, but hey.. January 1st seemed like the perfect date :) From now on, each one will be sent out (fingers crossed) on the first of every month. I've already started February's, because I have SO MUCH to go in it. It's basically going to be a magazine in your inbox. Eeep. I feel like I'm doing what I always dreamed of as a kid, yay.

I've also spent a lot of time with BAE lately; also known as Liv (the other half of #JIV) getting drunk as hell. She's hilarious! If you haven't seen our periscopes together I really think you're missing out. I'm actually seeing her again in an hour - as soon as the Girl Gang chat is over I'll be whizzing off to meet her and go the gym.

Yes, gym.
We've decided to start going together, and I'm so happy! This isn't one of those typical January 'Oh I must join the gym' things; though I appreciate it seems like that. I've been working out, and eating healthier for months now, and lost weight - yay! So I really just want to continue that. When Jiv and I (yes we really call each other that) we're chatting, I realised she was being healthier too, and we'd feel great having someone to go the gym with. So I'm so glad that's come about! Wish us luck :)

One of my aims for 2016 was to have more adventures, and I've already planned for that which feels SO GOOD. I've got a trip to Manchester to meet some lovelies and stay the weekend in April. I have two trips to London planned for April/May - one for a blogging event (yay!) and one for a little personal trip (possibly meeting a blogger or two though!) and I'm so excited. I really want to spend some time alone drawing, writing, travelling, taking photographs and just documenting everything. It inspires me so much.

Speaking of inspiration; I discovered some new artists last week and I felt as if my heart EXPLODED with love. I'll go more into this soon, as I'm planning a whole post around it, and a SUPER exciting personal photography project. It's going to be one of the most creative things I've done in a while, which should be wonderful.

Anyway, I've rambled on so much now I'm worried you're all asleep. If you managed to make it this far, THANK YOU. You're a little star!

I hope you all have a great week, remember to try make someone smile everyday! :)

Lots of love,

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