7 Biggest Beauty Regrets

makeup revolution lipstick

Whether it's regretting your choice of makeup from your school days (if you wore any), or cringing over a look that you thought was great last year; we all have beauty regrets. Some are worse than others, as some people are a little braver with their experimentation (that's right, I'm labelling my emo days brave!), but I think we can all relate to that awkward 'Oh my god, what was I thinking?!' moment.

Here are some of mine...

1. Pink eyeshadow.
I'm not talking about a subtle/pretty pastel pink here, oh no. I'm talking bright pink fuchsia haphazardly caked across my eyelids during the emo phase. Why was this a thing?? I'd blame Gerard Way and Frank Iero if I didn't still love them.

2. Heavy eyeliner.
Again, this is one from the emo phase. I used to layer on such thick, heavy, black liner so bad you'd think I was trying to gauge my eyes out.

3. Glitter hairspray.
Now don't get me wrong, I'd still turn to this bad boy at Halloween if I'm going for a super glittery princessy look (I never do this, gore and horror all the way). But glitter hairspray just reminds me of being a young teen thinking I was grown up. Spraying it all over your head as much as possible, just before heading out to drink some WKDs with your mates because you were a classy gal. *All the cringe*

4. Drunk eyeliner.
This is one I still make the mistake of making even today. When I go out drinking and get a little bit wasted, I always attempt to fix my makeup in the loos pressed up against the mirror. Wonky hands and blurry vision do not make perfect wings, let me tell ya.

5. Orange foundation.
Oh god, this one I probably hate most. I can remember buying the worst foundation as a teen, and not even making sure it matched my skin properly. In fact, I can remember me and a friend insisting on buying the same shade even though we had very different skin tones. I don't even think we chose one that suited either of us, eek!

6. Blue mascara.
I can't say much about this one except, WHY???!

7. Crimping.
Let me set this one straight, because I actually still like crimped hair. Just not when it was my whole head and I looked like a puffball, ...just no. These days, I actually adore a little crimp though, just like a very subtle piece of two here or there. Call me a 90's kid all you want; you'd be right. But yeah 14 year old me thought going crazy with crimpers was a good look. It wasn't.

I could probably go on and on.. but to be honest I'd start to feel pretty ridiculous about myself and my past choices. 

Let's hope I'm not making any mistakes as bad these days...
..green hair is okay, isn't it??!

Have a great week!

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