DIY Nails

I've been playing around with my nails recently, and I wanted to share a fun 'How-To' with you guys for this particular look. I think it's really cute, and best of all, it's super easy to do!

What you'll need;
A nail varnish colour of your choice,
Clear topcoat varnish,
Some glitter (dry, plain glitter, not that gel crap),
Cotton buds,
A piece of paper,
A camera to show me how yours went!
(Tweet me @dorkfaceinfo) 

Okay step 1. Go through all of your nail varnishes, and pick out the colour you want for the base.
Step 2. Decide what colour glitter you want layered over the top.
As with most things in life, I went with the pink.

Step 3. Paint on your base colour. It's up to you whether you decide on one or two coats.

Step 4. Wait until this has fully dried. 

Step 5. Decide where you want the glitter to go (all over, just the tip, the edges like mine?) and paint on some of the clear polish there.

Step 6. While the clear varnish is still wet, drop some glitter onto the nail. Make sure your paper is underneath to catch extra glitter!

Step 7. Clean up the edges with a cotton bud and remove all extra glitter.

Step 8. Once you have it exactly how you like it, go over everything with a top coat of the clear varnish.
And voila! you have perfectly adorable nails.

I hope you enjoyed. I know I'm not the neatest or bestest, but I found this fun and cute.
Let me know what you think?
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